Before I’m told that I’m being a *****, please do hear me out. You can do so at the end if need be. Consensus has it that teens are supposed to be close to the peak of their lives and have massive energy. I don’t feel any of that and am tired more than I have any right to be.
This will be a very long winded post, but if you took the time for any insight, I would be so very grateful.
-age: 16 and 3 months
-32’ waist
-163 pounds, 13-15% bodyfat
- pubic hair is dense, moderate leg hair , armpit hair moderate , no stomach or chest hair, very light hair above upper lip.
-fat distribution and history.
I was fat as a kid, and slimmed to a lean 160 at 14 years old. There’s been some fluctuation since.
I noticed I store more on my legs than I used to, and on the face. Doesn’t seem to be as sharp and pointed as the original 160.
-symptoms: I’ve never been good at sports, but my performance has been shot. I can no longer focus on the ball and my head pounds instead of the adrenaline rush I used to get. Its like my perception of time speeds up rather than slows. This concentration issue has been apparent in school, and it takes seconds to register what is being said. There is heavy mental fog, and grades have suffered.
At age 14, I would get hard properly. Now, it is relatively weak. I don’t rarely get morning wood. No height, voice, hair or pubertal development has been seen since 13 years 9 months.
-My diet has been 1g protein/lb, .5g fat/ lb, filling the remaining foods as I see fit. I get plenty of vegetables. I usually eat more white meat, so saturated fat has been on the low side but I plan to add red. This will be remedied. I supplement Vitamin D3 and calcium
-I have no relevant prescriptions.
I have not touched any sort of anabolic steroid or prohormone of any sort.
Training right now is a 5X5, 3 times a week, with about 1.5 hours worth of volume.
T4, FREE 0.97 0.61 - 1.64 ng/dL
TSH 2.13 0.50 - 4.40 mIU/L
This next one is done by the same lab, on a different day. The range is for teens, including a portion of which are pre pubescent.
It may be important to note that all of the above levels were taken at around 3 pm
I had another panel done at 8 am by another lab. I do not have the list of results. She said they were “normal”. I have requested the results. I was told the
total test was 204 (I assume ng/dL).
Bone age, 19 years old. This signifies puberty is nearly over.
My pediatric endo told me the test was “only slightly below normal”, and that I was obsessing. While I fully admit that I am concerned, I genuinely feel that this is justified. Given my history, I am scared that I will not finish developing.
Even when things were much brighter at age 14, there was mental fog. I fear my voice, hair, penile and testicular growth have been damaged. She is pressing for a second lab before taking action, and she told me that its not that bad. She told me depression is the root of my issues, and would have me take anti depressants before TRT.
I know that there is a very negative opinion on doctors on these boards, but I would not like to put her down in any way, even over the internet. But what can I do? Is TRT an option? It seems my levels were never any good in the first place and weight fluctuations made it worse. If you subscribe to digit ratio theory, my index to ring finger ratio is very high, indicating low testosterone in the womb. I have long limbs as well. Does this point towards Klinefelter’s Syndrome?
If you’ve stuck it out this long, thank you. If you have any advice on what to do, that would be amazingly helpful.