Ok, so to start I’m 24 and I’m Brand new here. I’ve read many articles here for advice and this site has been very helpful to me! Anyway my friend is an amateur BB and he convinced me to get on a cycle of Test cyp. I’m currently on week 5 taking 400mg a week (injecting twice weekly)
When I started I front loaded with 800mg the first week. Around a week or two later I started feeling amazing! Had the most energy and best mood I’ve had in my entire life! Then (within a day) all of that came crashing down. Now I’m depressed, have a terrible attitude, no energy, and my sex drive isn’t what it was, and I’ve been that way pretty much ever since. Oh, and I’m also taking 10mg of Nolva ed.
So I have a couple of questions,
Does anyone have any ideas of what could cause this?
How much of a factor could sleep be in this? I haven’t been getting much sleep lately, but keep in mind when I was feeling great, I wasn’t getting that much sleep either, so based on that fact alone I find it hard to believe that this is soley contributed to not enough sleep.
I’ve never heard anyone doing this and I haven’t researched it at all, but would anyone here recommend that I up my cycle back up to 800mg a week for the remainder? I only ask this because it might be possible that the reason I felt so great and had energy was because of the initial high dose I took. I don’t even know if thats possible, so I’d really appreciate any input on that.
Believe me I realize I went into this cycle before I should have, I know I didn’t have enough experience, knowledge etc. and I wanted a quick way out and now I’m paying the price. I know I’m gonna get flamed and attacked for this and I will welcome it with open arms if anyone can help give me some answers! I know I made a mistake and there’s nobody to blame but me, but if anyone here can help me I would be incredibly thankful! Thank you guys!
You felt great because you had a rush of hormones in the beginning, you would of felt the same if you started at 400mg. I tend to mellow out towards the end of a cycle myself. Upping the dose isn’t a good idea because you don’t know what’s causing it. It may be sleep that’s causing it, but I think its your estrogen levels that are to blame.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
You felt great because you had a rush of hormones in the beginning, you would of felt the same if you started at 400mg. I tend to mellow out towards the end of a cycle myself. Upping the dose isn’t a good idea because you don’t know what’s causing it. It may be sleep that’s causing it, but I think its your estrogen levels that are to blame.[/quote]
would you suggest that I up my Nolva to 20mg a day? I can do that and get more Nolva later. I don’t have anything else on hand, although I could order it later.
Agreed an AI is a more effective way at controlling E on cycle then a SERM. I would look into getting some adex or aromasin and try that. It could be high E or low E. I’m not a doctor and just making an assumption to what the problem is.
[quote]lbraga wrote:
go Adex .5mg EOD blast that shit [/quote]
Ok thank you guys! Now I’m quite sure we’re not allowed to talk about sources here and thats fine, but before I obtain some Adex, could someone please tell me if there are any sources out there that don’t take 2 weeks to deliver? I obviously want this ASAP and I have my source that I got the test from, but it took a while to deliver. Again, I’m not asking for anyone to give me a source, I simply would like to know if one exists that can expedite shipping and preferably get it here in a week. If there are sources that can do this, I’ll do the research and try to find them. Thank you again!!!
[quote]lbraga wrote:
go Adex .5mg EOD blast that shit [/quote]
Ok thank you guys! Now I’m quite sure we’re not allowed to talk about sources here and thats fine, but before I obtain some Adex, could someone please tell me if there are any sources out there that don’t take 2 weeks to deliver? I obviously want this ASAP and I have my source that I got the test from, but it took a while to deliver. Again, I’m not asking for anyone to give me a source, I simply would like to know if one exists that can expedite shipping and preferably get it here in a week. If there are sources that can do this, I’ll do the research and try to find them. Thank you again!!![/quote]Ask your Dr.That’s where i get my arimedex,it’s not cheap $179.00 for 30-1mg’s pills john
[quote]lbraga wrote:
go Adex .5mg EOD blast that shit [/quote]
Ok thank you guys! Now I’m quite sure we’re not allowed to talk about sources here and thats fine, but before I obtain some Adex, could someone please tell me if there are any sources out there that don’t take 2 weeks to deliver? I obviously want this ASAP and I have my source that I got the test from, but it took a while to deliver. Again, I’m not asking for anyone to give me a source, I simply would like to know if one exists that can expedite shipping and preferably get it here in a week. If there are sources that can do this, I’ll do the research and try to find them. Thank you again!!![/quote]Ask your Dr.That’s where i get my arimedex,it’s not cheap $179.00 for 30-1mg’s pills john
Sorry to post twice, but I forgot to ask… are you just honest with your doc and tell him you’re on a cycle? or do you have to bend the truth a bit? lol I mean I know everyone is different, but I was just wondering what the standard protocol is for something like this. I’ve read a couple articles on here about convincing your doctor to give you scripts, I might have to give this a try.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
You can try research chems[/quote]
I’ve heard conflicting statements about research chems, what has been your experience with these?[/quote]
Never had any problems what so ever. As far as Johnny’s post for going to your doctor, he’s on doctor prescribed TRT your not gonna be able just to walk in an ask for arimidex