
This thread has been deleted


And maybe an STD test for you.

Incidentally, OP, whenever I see your name attached to a post, I imagine it being spoken by a well-endowed woman to her brassiere.

“Just lift, bra.”

Be grateful you’re not in California, you could be facing charges.

So, who raped who?

[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
So, who raped who?[/quote]

with the facts presented (assuming the girl was also drunk), they technically ‘raped’ each other.

however, only OP would be held accountable, as women are generally not treated like adults by the justice system in these situations.

Does she know your name, phone #, anything?

if not,

Just Leave Brah

You just can’t stop winning, my man.

dude your life is so BRO

Did you check to be sure she was a she? I mean there was no condom, so…

[quote]CLUNK wrote:
Did you check to be sure she was a she? I mean there was no condom, so…[/quote]

Good news, he found it!

Lodged in his butt…

[quote]Dr. Pangloss wrote:

[quote]CLUNK wrote:
Did you check to be sure she was a she? I mean there was no condom, so…[/quote]

Good news, he found it!

Lodged in his butt…[/quote]

Now the other guy just needs to read this thread to put his mind at ease

[quote]CLUNK wrote:
Did you check to be sure she was a she? I mean there was no condom, so…[/quote]

My first thought too.

Does anyone really believe they could have sex with someone and not even remember it?

Let me qualify that by saying you’re just drunk because I don’t know shit about what other drugs might do.

[quote]on edge wrote:
Does anyone really believe they could have sex with someone and not even remember it?

Let me qualify that by saying you’re just drunk because I don’t know shit about what other drugs might do.[/quote]
If you blackout, then yeah you won’t remember anything.

So when you woke up… did you hit it again???

[quote]Mr Stern wrote:
So when you woke up… did you hit it again???[/quote]
We have no way of knowing if they even fucked in the first place. If neither remembers and there is no observable evidence, they can’t know for certain either.

[quote]on edge wrote:
Does anyone really believe they could have sex with someone and not even remember it?

Let me qualify that by saying you’re just drunk because I don’t know shit about what other drugs might do.[/quote]

Gotta go with edge here. I mean, the mechanics down stairs stop working for me before the remember nothing about the night stage - if we’re talking alcohol.

I think she-male roofie scenario or you just cuddled and talked about your feelings, which was just so sweet and different, you know?