Cycle looks good, I would recommend throwing in an oral, either tbol, dbol, or winstrol depending on your goals. If you don’t want to run an oral I would suggest a frontload of 1000mg on the first week.
Typical Hcg dosage is 250iu 2x a week but im sure 500iu 2x is fine.
Pct however:
-should start 2 weeks after last pinning of test E
-should not contain hcg
-you might want to consider lowering the adex dosage for your taper, .5mg ED is quite a hefty dose IME.
[quote]sloh wrote:
Thanks for the reply Mr. Walkway!
Couple questions if you don’t mind…
Since PCT does not start for 2 weeks after last pinning of test E, during Week 13…I continue taking arimidex .25mg per day and just stop HCG completely?
I assume that I don’t start Nolvadex until Week 14 as well?
Do you suggest lowering the adex dosage for my taper to just .25 mg arimidex for 4 weeks
Does the opinion of the use of HCG for PCT vary between individuals?
I got the idea of using HCG for PCT from a poster on the chemical enhancement section on md forums by the name of HeavyIron. He is pretty well respected there and this is word for word what he said…
"I recommend the following PCT protocol for esters like Cypionate and Enanthate;
While the aas ester is clearing : 2500iu HCG every third day for 2 weeks. (You may use less HCG if your testes are normal in size AND you have been using HCG on cycle, i.e. 1,000iu HCG etd.)"
Thanks again[/quote]
I would definitely continue taking the adex during the 2 weeks after your last injection.
You can run nolvadex anytime during your test only cycle, but if it is for pct purposes it should begin 2 weeks after your last injection.
For an adex taper, I would run .25mg Eod for the first week, then gradually add space between the doses as your pct progresses.
The opinion of HCG during pct doesn’t really vary, because it suppresses the HPTA, making its inclusion counterproductive.
What heavyiron wrote “as the ester is clearing”, means the 2 weeks between your last shot and the beginning of pct as the testosterone leaves your system. He is not saying to use it during pct.
If you have any more questions, fire away
[quote]sloh wrote:
Is 2500iu HCG every 3rd day for two weeks while the ester is clearing too much?
And just for clarification, since I finish my last test e injection on week 12…
weeks 13 and 14, i will only be continuing adex (starting with .25mg and tapering off as weeks go on) and HCG
week 15-18 (PCT), i will continue with adex (taper off) and also add in the 40/40/20/20 nolvadex protocol, HCG discontinues after week 14.
2500 is more than I would use, I wouldn’t go over 1000ius but that’s just me (no particular reasoning behind it, just cost etc…)
Don’t begin taper off the adex until pct starts.
Test E takes 2 weeks to leave your system after your last shot. So keep the adex at the same level throughout your cycle and then begin to taper off of it during your pct.
yes hcg should stop after week 14
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]sloh wrote:
Is 2500iu HCG every 3rd day for two weeks while the ester is clearing too much?
And just for clarification, since I finish my last test e injection on week 12…
weeks 13 and 14, i will only be continuing adex (starting with .25mg and tapering off as weeks go on) and HCG
week 15-18 (PCT), i will continue with adex (taper off) and also add in the 40/40/20/20 nolvadex protocol, HCG discontinues after week 14.
2500 is more than I would use, I wouldn’t go over 1000ius but that’s just me (no particular reasoning behind it, just cost etc…)
Don’t begin taper off the adex until pct starts.
Test E takes 2 weeks to leave your system after your last shot. So keep the adex at the same level throughout your cycle and then begin to taper off of it during your pct.
yes hcg should stop after week 14[/quote]
The massive doses of HCG is outdated by a few years now. It’s been shown to permanently desensitize your Leydig cells. The most modern HCG protocol is 250iu 2x a week until PCT starts.
The rest looks good to me.
yeah ive never actually used hcg before…
I only use short-estered compounds for 8 weeks at a time tops.
[quote]sloh wrote:
Thanks Mr. Walkway,
I revised my cycle based off your suggestions. I will look into some orals. Let me know if I’m good to go with this…
W 1-12 Test Enth 250mg on Tues and Sat (total is 500mg/week)
W 1-14 Arimidex 0.25mg Every Day (when PCT starts, begin tapering)
W 1-14 HCG 500iu on Monday and Friday (1000iu/week, when PCT starts HCG discontinued)
PCT starts week 15.
40/40/20/20 nolvadex (40mg daily for first 2 weeks, 20mg daily for next two weeks)
Taper Arimidex as the weeks go on
Looks good.
As overstand mentioned, the most modern dosage of hcg is 250iu per week, so I would suggest going with that. (saves money too).
Good luck with your cycle bro, post back any questions or comments.
Definitely taper off the adex into PCT. Be completely off the AI near the end of PCT.
I also do not suggest a 12 week cycle.
Im a big fan of 8 week test e cycles. Frontloaded. That extra month makes a really big difference in terms of recovery.
If you already bought the stuff it wouldnt be a bad idea to use the stuff you hve over 8 weeks instead of 12.
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
As overstand mentioned, the most modern dosage of hcg is 250iu per week, so I would suggest going with that. (saves money too).
I think you mean 250 iu 2x/week, no?
OP: Personally I would just pin the hcg on the days you shoot the test. Probably more convenient just to take two days out of your week to shoot yourself instead of 4.
I have no other real advice–it looks good to me.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
As overstand mentioned, the most modern dosage of hcg is 250iu per week, so I would suggest going with that. (saves money too).
I think you mean 250 iu 2x/week, no?
OP: Personally I would just pin the hcg on the days you shoot the test. Probably more convenient just to take two days out of your week to shoot yourself instead of 4.
I have no other real advice–it looks good to me.
Yes, and it should start in week 3.
[quote]sloh wrote:
Sorry if this is a stupid question but how come I shouldn’t start HCG until week 3?
I read this from gottagetlean at RX about hcg
“are you saying your currently on cycle and planning to start running hcg now? or are you making plans to start hcg late in the cycle ? It would of of been best to of started hcg from week 1 but if your late then yes do a bigger dose like 2400ius and then continue 500ius 2x a week to maintain.”
Because Test E takes 2 weeks to really start kicking in, so your boys won’t be shut down immediately.
Yes, frontload
nice physique, very balanced. You will look great with some new size, this is a mass cycle I pressume?
I agree with what everyone else said about the shorter cycles. there is nothing wrong with 12 weeks and i’m sure you will recover fine, but if following the “time on = time off” rule, or something similar, that means you have to take more time off after a longer cycle. That’s why I’ve been doing 8 week cycles with test E frontloaded, I don’t have to take as much time between cycles and I don’t lose much at all. Not to mention, the first 8 weeks of your cycle will be the most effective.
If you were to do an 8 week cycle instead I would recommend a slightly higher dose too, maybe 600mg/week or 750mg/week of test E frontloaded. Remember your recovery is going to depend on the length of time your HPTA is suppressed, not the dose of test you are using (obviously its not quite that simple, but for the sake of this post)