Definition of a T-Man


After reading Shugs new article on Jamie Eason, and reading the link to the thread on, I started to really think about the difference between the people on this site and others. (90% anyway)

Even though we all pride ourselves on the mentality of “Shut up and train” and “Read and learn” we all seem to have class. There are endless posts in the thread to the effect of “Id piitb” (Read: I’d put it in the butt), but never once did anyone in our forums say anything to the effect of “Man, Id ride that all week”…

I think this is the definition of a “T-Man”. Someone who is passionate about training, and smart to boot, but also contains a level of class that far surpasses the average 17 year old “know it all” that pervades the normal internet community.

This site has truly changed mylife. So many people come to me asking for advice regarding nutrition and exercise and I can whole-heartedly refer them to this site because I know people here know what they are talking about and truly love lifting/eating right.

Thanks to everyone for all the great conversation and the mature attitude.


After reading that I can honestly say… I’d put it in the butt.

Seriously though, I have to agree. When it gets right down to it, the authors of this site and the forum regulars know exactly whats up with nutrition and exercise. Not only that, but they WILL call your ass out if you are full of Sh!t, which is really what most people need.

Proud to be here.

I agree with you. Here is something I got from my dad that helps further define character:

The ancient Greeks reduced character to the sum of four virtues. Fortitude: strength of mind along with the physical and moral courage to persevere in the face of adversity. Temperance: self-discipline to control passions and appetites. Prudence: practical wisdom and the ability to make the right choice in specific situations. And Justice: fairness, honesty, lawfulness, keeping promises. To conduct oneself, especially in times of crisis, with integrity, was the fundamental litmus test of a person’s character. Epictetus had written, ‘it is difficulties that show what men are.’