Deca, Test E, D Bol

Hi guys just wondering if I could get any help with my cycle…
I started today it consists of d Bol deca and test e …

D Bol 5 weeks 50 mg day
Deca 500ml
Test e 1000 ml (1ml)
Pct= nolv ,clomid,addex

My plan :
week 1-5 d Bol 50 ed
Week 1-10 deca 500 2xweek
Week 1-15 test e 1000 2xweek

The things I wanna no is should I bring in addex early on a low dose to keep bloat down after I stop using d Bol ?? I’ve cycled before this is my second cycle I ran 15 weeks test e 1000 ml 2xweek,got solid gains …
Any criticism would be great … And I was thinking could I start tren after the 5 weeks of d Bol is up and run with the test e and deca ??? Good idea??

I’m 180cm
Weigh 94kg
And age 21

Thanks boys any info …

I would run adex all the way through with any aromatizing compounds.

No personal knowledge of tren or deca.

Also I assume you mean 1000mg of test. Not mLs. That would be a bitch to pin. :wink:

Yeah man but the addex will just take away gains from d Bol so I will run it when off the d Bol into pct?? Bump haha and yeah 1000mg lol

Dbol will give you sides. Sure, you might not be so water heavy running adex and that will affect your lifts but it will affect your strength otherwise with or without all that bloat. That seems to be the argument to most - to use the sides to your advantage or not.