I’m planning my next cycle and was wondering if anyone had suggestions as to whether I should use Deca or EQ with my testosterone.
I have been using trenbolone,test e, and d-bol previously, with great results but the tren seems to give me a bit of acne on my back so I want to try somthing else.
what attracts me to deca is that my shoulder has been giving me a bit of trouble lately and I thought the deca might help. does it really help with sore joints, is bad for causing zits, and whats up with “deca dick”?
and also does eq have many sides? What one would be a better choice to stack with test in a bulking cycle??
Deca is a great strength drug and doesn’t have the side effects that tren does. EQ will cause some joint soreness. If you have a troubled shoulder stick with the deca and dump the tren. Deca is a great stacker with the test and d-bol and a staple for a powerlifting routine. Stay Strong, RB
Never found anyone to get joint pain from EQ. Actually I have heard that it has helped in some.
I would rather run EQ over Deca anyday myself - and hope you have no interest in sex if you are going to run deca and tren together.
In saying this it does depend on the length of your cycle. Best to run EQ with longer cycles.
I personally use 250mg every 2nd day but in most cases you will get good results with 500-600mg per week.
I find that I also harden up a little more, ok a lot more when I add EQ in my cycle - throw tren and provion in the mix will harden you up even more and the tren/EQ work great together.
Everyone is different - some find it have no effect on sex drive while others are ok as long as they stack it with test. Then there are people who find that no matter what they do it just kills them.
What is the length of your cycle? If it’s more than 8 weeks then I would go for the bold anyday over deca. The bold also great for increasing appitite - mine is through the roof, which is great when trying to put on mass.
My last bulking cycle was a test e/eq/dbol cycle and I had awesome results with it for mass. Gained 30lbs over a 12 week cycle, strength went through the roof, and just felt great all around.
make sure your PCT is in line though. I watched mine to a T and kept 24lbs that i gained. My appetite also shot up, I was hungry all the damn time, which certainly helped with trying to put on some size. it was definately my favorite bulker yet.
I just can’t resist this. First, Deca isn’t going to heal your shoulder, its just going to mask the pain while you grind the fuck out of it and suffer for it when the cycle is over. Also, I sincerly hope you have read this and know, both deca and tren are progestins. If you don’t know what that means, you shouldn’t be touching either one.
Deca looks great on paper, but in reality it’s the biggest pain in the ass to recover from after. Shit, here I’ll make a short list of reasons to avoid deca
Converts to norestrogen, a “weaker” estrogen that is still an estrogen never the less and cannot be prevented by an aromatase inhibitor. This adds to the negative HPTA feedback and adds to suppression.
Is a fucking progestin and stimulates prolactin- this does a real number on your boner and sex drive. It is also another pathway of negative feedback and additional suppression.
The wonderful progesterone effects combined with the “weaker” estrogen can cause nasty gyno in the unlucky individual.
Long ester is a real bitch and you won’t be getting around water retention. This again is related to that “weaker” estrogen that people will tell you not to worry about.
The king daddy reason to avoid deca- It stays in your system giving negative feedback to your hypothalamus through 3 different pathways for months. This is because the wonderful nandrolone molecule can be re estrified in your system fairly easily. This is why metabolites of this shit can be detected up to 18 months after your last shot. Here is a typical scenario for a deca user post cycle:
“Hey, cool… I didn’t get deca-deca dick and made some great gains. Looks like I’ll be in the clear after PCT”
…a couple weeks later
“Oh shit, whats wrong with my cock. Damn, I’m not even horny anymore either. Fuck, I hope this isn’t because of the deca”
…last few days of PCT
“My balls are big again and I got a boner, I think I’m ok again. Damn that was scary.”
…not long after the “first” PCT
“Oh shit, I think I’m shut down again. Maybe I didn’t run the PCT long enough. Shit I really hope this isn’t because of the deca.”
… 3 months later
“Yeah, it was the deca. I think the worst is over now though and my boner is getting better. Maybe I should run just one more PCT”
If you don’t compete use decca. If you use arimidex during the cycle, you will still be able to fuck! More bang for your buck with decca. I’ve been on decca for 8 months and had no probs.