Hey guys im about to start a light cycle and i just wanted some feedback and any input i can get.
26 years old
6 foot
195 Lbs
16% body fat
my cycle will be
50mg of Anavar per day
with 1 CC of Deca every other day
all for 6 weeks
Hey guys im about to start a light cycle and i just wanted some feedback and any input i can get.
26 years old
6 foot
195 Lbs
16% body fat
my cycle will be
50mg of Anavar per day
with 1 CC of Deca every other day
all for 6 weeks
What is the concentration of your deca? How many mg/ml? What are you planning for AI & PCT What are your goals?
[quote]superalpha wrote:
Hey guys im about to start a light cycle and i just wanted some feedback and any input i can get.
26 years old
6 foot
195 Lbs
16% body fat
my cycle will be
50mg of Anavar per day
with 1 CC of Deca every other day
all for 6 weeks
One of the best proposed cycles I’ve seen in a while.
It’s obvious you that you did a lot of reading here before you signed up today and made that post…
Stellar job
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I can’t believe the trouble some folks will go to to troll this forum.
Get a life.
sad part is I bet some of these ignorant posters really thought that its a greeeeaaaat idea because ‘my buddy did it and he’s hyoooooogggee’ lol
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
One of the best proposed cycles I’ve seen in a while.
It’s obvious you that you did a lot of reading here before you signed up today and made that post…
Stellar job
Oh…you were being sarcastic… DAMMIT you guys gotta let me in on this shit before i go and buy and plan the same thing
hey no reason to discriminate, if you dont like my idea for a cycle just post me a better sugestion.
thanks BONEZ217 if you were not being sarcastic.
[quote]superalpha wrote:
hey no reason to discriminate, if you dont like my idea for a cycle just post me a better sugestion.
thanks BONEZ217 if you were not being sarcastic.
No need to thank me.
[quote]superalpha wrote:
hey no reason to discriminate, if you dont like my idea for a cycle just post me a better sugestion.
thanks BONEZ217 if you were not being sarcastic.
So you post a 6 week var/deca cycle with no pct plan and you want us to give you suggestions?
It doesn’t work that way.
Since you made a few posts it’s obvious that you are not illiterate. So what is your excuse for not reading the stickied threads?
hey boneez217-
i was planning on starting a PCT at the forth week either clomid or nolvadex.
is that a good idea?
oh yeah, excuse my ignorance but i have no idea what a stickied thread is?
fill me in if you think i should change up my cycle or stick with my plan
A forum administrator or sometimes moderator can cause a topic to remain at the top of the forum, regardless of whether it has been posted to recently or not (the usual criteria for the order that topics appear in.)
When this is done it is called putting a “sticky” on it, or the topic is called a “stickied thread.”
The problem is your plan is overall far enough wrong that the thing to do is start all over rather than fix this one. But I think everyone would rather – I know I would – you go and acquire more information first rather than start from scratch for you.
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
superalpha wrote:
hey no reason to discriminate, if you dont like my idea for a cycle just post me a better sugestion.
thanks BONEZ217 if you were not being sarcastic.
No need to thank me. [/quote]
LMAO! Love this! hahaha!
welsh boy,
thanks again for the constructive criticism.
iv had my fair share of experimental cycles.
i did a cycle of deca only about 250 mg per week for 5 weeks and no PCT. i made barley any gains, but i did go up dramatically in strength believe it or not. When i stopped i kept about 5lbs of muscle and lost all the strength i gained. but in retrospect i dont think i would have done the cycle if i knew i wasn’t doing it right from the beginning.
[quote]superalpha wrote:
welsh boy,
thanks again for the constructive criticism.
iv had my fair share of experimental cycles.
i did a cycle of deca only about 250 mg per week for 5 weeks and no PCT. i made barley any gains, but i did go up dramatically in strength believe it or not. When i stopped i kept about 5lbs of muscle and lost all the strength i gained.
but in retrospect i dont think i would have done the cycle if i knew i wasn’t doing it right from the beginning.
When are you going to realize that less is more, in terms of the posts you make in relation to the quality of this board…
who is ‘welsh boy’ directed at?!?
you have no clue with your ‘experimental’ cycles…READ AND LEARN before you just waste gear and mess yourself up.
The first 5-6 threads at the top of the page should keep you busy for a long time before you post anymore ignorance. I think you need to fix whats in your avatar before you use AAS. Your not ready.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
A PCT at the 4th week of a 6 week cycle?
Surely I have read you wrong…
MCT, dude. Mid-Cycle-Therapy. All the pros are doing it. Gets you hyooge.
Well, I will say that at least you’re being polite about accepting the criticisms everyone has leveled at you. That speaks well at least–you’re not losing your temper or tossing insults around.
Problem is I really don’t like the cycle at all, and neither do any of the ppl that have posted here so far. Read the first 5 or so threads at the top of this forum ( “newbie cycle planning guide”, " AI and SERM sticky" , etc., etc.)
You can tell stickied threads because they have a small yellow notepad icon next to the thread title… and they’re always at the top of the forum.
I would say something, but it’s late and I don’t have any drive or desire to tell you how wrong you’ve gone with your original post. Or even the mental awareness at this point of the night/early morning.
at any rate,thanks all. its a learning experience.
cool Aragrn
iv been reading the stickied threads all day, so maybe I’ll come up with a revised cycle soon.
lookin’ forward to hearing it. We’ll see if we can fix you up.
btw, my post may’ve come off a more gruff than I intended, but it was late and I was tired.