In response to the Death of the Alpha Male comment below and because I was reading a newspaper over someone’s shoulder this morning, I bring tidings of the death of the metrosexual.
According to Qu?!, one of the many free (as in beer) rags inflicted on commuters in the city of Madrid, a two-page spread this morning announced the death of the metrosexual. Comments such as “The Beckhams and Jude Law better watch where they walk” and “This man (Beckham) is no longer the man to follow” were abundant. Key points that I managed to pick up (remember, over someone’s shoulder on the bus):
- the ?bermale is interested in grooming but not too much.
- the ?bermale can talk about any subject
- the ?bermale is a man of the world
- the ?bermale is stylish but not vain
- being the ?bermale costs more than being a metrosexual
Examples of the ?bermale listed included George Clooney, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.
I would remind you that the publication in question was free, which I think exactly represents the value of the information contained therein.
Eh … I’m not quite sure where I stand on all this, to be honest. But if Madrid, home of the metrosexual (and believe me, it’s the home of the metrosexual) is ready to move on, it’s a good thing.