[quote]Aero51 wrote:
[quote]nighthawkz wrote:
[quote]Aero51 wrote:
It took them 4 months to do what I did in 3 weeks, and there is no accountability or acknowledgement of the problem. So when I am nagged to get something done quickly, when another group goofs off for 4 months, but I am told it is “urgent”, I am sorry but I cant take it seriously.[/quote]
You fail to look at this from the point of view of someone who really needs this done. The complete fuckup of the 4 month group does not mean you can do the same - it means your time to do it gets cut in half. That’s how projects work.[/quote]
I understand where you are coming from, my point being how can one say something “needs” to get done, yet permit multi month delays along some chains of the command? It seems hypocritical and not conducive to maintaining deadlines and it also sends mixed messages. When I am project lead, for example, I do my best to hold everyone to the same standards and the results are usually favorable.
Another thing, it is pretty common for people to have 4-5 projects going on at once and therefore priority is important to make deadlines. When someone down the line decides to goof off without accountability, there is no incentive to make said work a priority. For example, if I asked you to clean half my garage, told you it needed to be done in 1 day, and told you I would clean my half the following, but actually not do it for 2 weeks, would you take me seriously when I asked you to get something done right away?[/quote]
Just to touch on a theme I’m picking up - Don’t set priorities based on what other people did … that’s a recipe for disaster. Set your priorities to your level of standard and hold yourself accountable. If you focus on what other people did/do then you’re just going to drive yourself nuts, especially since it seems you set the bar high for yourself.
The questions your asking don’t need to be answered by you. It’s not your job to hold anyone else accountable except for yourself (and possibly your team if you’re the lead or a supervisor). If people in another section are goofing off and dragging their feet, try your best not to care as much as you do. Hold yourself and your team to a higher standard and make those jabronies look dumb.
Even if it’s not apparent that anyone noticed/notices, know, more than likely, someone does. There’s someone who wants/needs this task(s) done that has a vested interest in who is doing it better (best). Even if they don’t tell you everytime, they notice.