(de)Motivational Posters, Random Pics 6.6

[quote]KBCThird wrote:

[quote]Derek542 wrote:

[quote]JLone wrote:
Skyrim Thread:

[quote]Derek542 wrote:

[quote]critietaeta wrote:

[quote]parsley wrote:

[quote]farmerson12 wrote:

[quote]Derek542 wrote:

[quote]Fuzzyapple.Train wrote:
Is Skyrim one of those games that you can waste months of your life playing? Like Fallout?[/quote]

Its Fallout, Dungeons and Dragons version. Its biggest map open world game that I have ever played.

Its awesome[/quote]

Sounds like its right up my ally. I love games that can keep you going for months.[/quote]

You can be playing this game for literally days and not make any progress in the main story line, if you choose to. The sheer size of the map and amount of side quests is, at first, overwhelming [/quote]

When i played morrowind and oblivion i would have like a week worth of playing time, leveled at least half way up without starting the main storyline. i likes my explorin’

X 10 I am the same way. PLUS when you do play again its still fun and different.

Played Fallout 3 at least 4 different times.[/quote]

10-4 I know, I know.

Fucking game has been my escape since last Friday. :slight_smile:

Take it outside to the Geek thread, gamers