Are any of you dragonball z lovers as upset about dbz kai as i am? they basically redubbed all the voices, changed the dialog a little bit (for the worse), changed the rad background music to shit, but remastered the picture (it’s a little better but not noteworthy [and yes i know i am noting it]).

the video I added is just some of what i’m talking about; it’s the infamous ‘OVER 9000’ part. They changed it to ‘8000’ in the video because apparently ‘9000’ was an error in translation. As I’m watching Kai on t.v., the best/most badass scenes that I love just seem to be lacking. I feel bad for kids these days, growing up with dbz kai instead of dbz. :frowning:


Link to video if it doesn’t load:

That is disgusting, more so than the live action movie. What is the reasoning behind this blasphemy?!

If you watch DBZ in anything other than The original Japanese language you’re missing out on excellent voice acting and sound design. Japanese w/english subs > Original American Dub > DBZ Kai

They cut out the fillers you tards you should be happy even though both shows are ghey.

Basically what Sardines said, but without the douchebaggery.

DBZ had A LOT of filler that the manga never had (the entire Garlic saga for example)

DBZ Kai is a the re-telling of the DBZ as it should have been. They’re making it as similar to the books as possible.

[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
If you watch DBZ in anything other than The original Japanese language you’re missing out on excellent voice acting and sound design. Japanese w/english subs > Original American Dub > DBZ Kai[/quote]

This is very true. Japanese voice acting is on a different level. If I watch danish voiceovers, I feel like I’m watching teletubbies…

I dont think I could get used to the new voices if I had to watch Kai

Yea, i was a bit disappointed in the voices, but the truth of the matter is, its more like the manga now (was 8000 in the manga) and there’s practically NO filler. I mean, its episode 32, and Goku is gonna fight ginyu already. 32!! plus is looks to damn pretty. I love DBZ, and i will be watching this series.

[edit] What IM going to be pissed about is if they chopped the Goku/Cell fight. In the series, that was the greatest fight animation wise. That fight was the pinnacle of awesomeness. In the manga, it only lasted a couple pages. They better only cut out the Mr. Satan BS and not touch the actual Fight.

[quote]Diluted56 wrote:
I dont think I could get used to the new voices if I had to watch Kai[/quote]

Youd think you they couldnt get Frieza’s voice any gayer, but now he actually sounds like a woman lol.

Aside from that, it seems like the voice changes are bearable. I mean yea, they changed a couple of the chars that only last a couple episodes, but hey w/e there. I think the only actual Z fighter who they changed was Gohan.

With the limited amount of anime I do watch I will agree japanese dubs are better but there’s no way I could watch it for dbz just because I’ve seen it so many times in english.

Also, I forgot about the filler cuts they did. The only semi-redeeming quality of Kai

[quote]critietaeta wrote:
With the limited amount of anime I do watch I will agree japanese dubs are better but there’s no way I could watch it for dbz just because I’ve seen it so many times in english.

Also, I forgot about the filler cuts they did. The only semi-redeeming quality of Kai[/quote]

Japanese DBZ is about the equivalent of English Naruto when it comes to the How bad the voices are. Lol seriously, DBZ was like the 1 anime that sounded better when they translated it to English.

[quote]Akuma01 wrote:

[quote]critietaeta wrote:
With the limited amount of anime I do watch I will agree japanese dubs are better but there’s no way I could watch it for dbz just because I’ve seen it so many times in english.

Also, I forgot about the filler cuts they did. The only semi-redeeming quality of Kai[/quote]

Japanese DBZ is about the equivalent of English Naruto when it comes to the How bad the voices are. Lol seriously, DBZ was like the 1 anime that sounded better when they translated it to English.[/quote]

Someone hasn’t seen Cowboy Bebop.

[quote]Soulja874 wrote:

[quote]Akuma01 wrote:

[quote]critietaeta wrote:
With the limited amount of anime I do watch I will agree japanese dubs are better but there’s no way I could watch it for dbz just because I’ve seen it so many times in english.

Also, I forgot about the filler cuts they did. The only semi-redeeming quality of Kai[/quote]

Japanese DBZ is about the equivalent of English Naruto when it comes to the How bad the voices are. Lol seriously, DBZ was like the 1 anime that sounded better when they translated it to English.[/quote]

Someone hasn’t seen Cowboy Bebop.

cant say that i have. not a huge fan of the “Gun” the base, whether it be anime or video game. Though i will say i have watched Outlaw star and enjoyed it, AND have heard good things about Bebop, but meh.

I’ve watched both Outlaw Star is awesome Bebop is good too but i hate the ending.

I thought they’d re-animate the whole thing. Not just enhance, but fucking re-draw frame by frame and make it look like the opening credits.

55 seconds in. That would have been win.

I was disappoint.

[quote]Makavali wrote:
I thought they’d re-animate the whole thing. Not just enhance, but fucking re-draw frame by frame and make it look like the opening credits.

55 seconds in. That would have been win.

I was disappoint.[/quote]

Oh yea, i saw that opening and was like “Fucking awesome. Dbz finally gets the animation it deserves”, BUT NOOooooOOO!

- YouTube (my favorite fight)
Am I the only one who saw the entire show in Spanish and thought it was better than the English or Japanese version. (btw this was the show that made me want to be jacked awesome upper chest and shoulders.)

[quote]JoabSonOfZeruiah wrote:

- YouTube (my favorite fight)
Am I the only one who saw the entire show in Spanish and thought it was better than the English or Japanese version. (btw this was the show that made me want to be jacked awesome upper chest and shoulders.)[/quote]

Yes, yes you are lol.

Plus the original English version had the best music/sound effects.

[quote]JoabSonOfZeruiah wrote:

- YouTube (my favorite fight)
Am I the only one who saw the entire show in Spanish and thought it was better than the English or Japanese version. (btw this was the show that made me want to be jacked awesome upper chest and shoulders.)[/quote]

I watched it in tagalog and I think that’s the best version.