Your a time traveling demon!
I thought this might be appropriate too:
I couldn’t wait til he would die doing one of his retarded endurance ‘tricks’. If it wasn’t for his street stuff I’d go and shoot him myself.
wait, did he die doing one of his stunts?
Thanks for that HILARIOUS,
Big Woop
His best trick was to make all public interest in him disappear almost overnight.
From “montaged” TV tricks to unending month-long boring stunts which had nothing magical about them, he pretty much relegated himself to a D level celebrity.
[quote]John S. wrote:
wait, did he die doing one of his stunts?[/quote]
No, it was just wishful thinking.
[quote]nikolo wrote:
LOL I love how he oogles the camera after each trick… downright HILARIOUS.
LOL hes a crazy mother that stare is just funny.
[quote]Shoebolt wrote:
nikolo wrote:
LOL I love how he oogles the camera after each trick… downright HILARIOUS.[/quote]
He should change his name to David Lame.
[quote]BigRagoo wrote:
He should change his name to David Lame.[/quote]
Good one.
I think it would have been funnier if it was an Andy Dick spoof on Blaine.
This Was Hilarious! Good Stuff!
[quote]BigRagoo wrote:
I think it would have been funnier if it was an Andy Dick spoof on Blaine.[/quote]
Andy Dick is hilarious in a very creepy sort of way.
That was great. Thanks for posting it.
“Stop putting orange soda in our mouth!!”
That part cracks me up.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
That was great. Thanks for posting it.[/quote]
You’re welcome. I’m glad people are getting as big a kick out of it as I am.