wasn’t sure if to place this in Nutrition or Politics, mods feel free to move.
ha, guess this thread should have went to the Nutrition forum, looks like most could give 2 fucks LOL
anyways, - YouTube
Would be interested to have TC hop in here since one of his articles touched on GMOs not being an issue (IIRC)
I’m down with GMOs. Haters gonna hate.
[quote]super saiyan wrote:
I’m down with GMOs. Haters gonna hate.[/quote]
thing is, you don’t really know what you buy if it is or not
We need a meme of that skeptical African kid saying something about worrying about GMOs.
[quote]Nards wrote:
We need a meme of that skeptical African kid saying something about worrying about GMOs.[/quote]
or trusting the industry
[quote]super saiyan wrote:
ha, that’s a good one… funny thing, certain parts of Africa did turn away GMO food from the US
So you’re saying, you dont want to know what’s in your food? Im all for less gov’t wherever possible, but i think ppl should know what theyre eating.
[quote]Aggv wrote:
So you’re saying, you dont want to know what’s in your food? Im all for less gov’t wherever possible, but i think ppl should know what theyre eating. [/quote]
Talking to me or others? Me: absolutely, it’s retarded to think anyone would vote no on this issue besides the food manufacturers.
[quote]Aggv wrote:
So you’re saying, you dont want to know what’s in your food? Im all for less gov’t wherever possible, but i think ppl should know what theyre eating. [/quote]
Couldn’t agree more. Even if they are completely harmless the consumer has the right to know what they’re putting in their body. It isn’t that much different than having nutritional information on food products. Does it really matter if we know how much protein is in a serving of milk? It doesn’t really have any difference one way or the other but it’s on there anyways. What makes putting GMO labels on food that much different, aside from whatever infinitesimal cost it will add to the price of a GMO product? I understand that changing all the labels can be expensive proposition, but that’s a one time cost to make that change; after that the extra cost is insignificant.
And since the issue is a ballot initiative up for vote, it isn’t even really gov’t intrusion into the marketplace. It’s more like a consumer-demanded change that the gov’t will then ensure is kept in place on behalf of the consumers. I guess you could say that gov’t, at least in part, is responsible for bringing the issue to a vote in the first place, but I don’t see a problem with that.
No, I do not worry about GMOs.
I see it as fear of science.
[quote]Nards wrote:
No, I do not worry about GMOs.
I see it as fear of science.[/quote]
that wasn’t the question