So poor Dan Rather was a sacrificial lamb to the vast right wing conspiracy - of which the brass at CBS is apparently a part - but he’s fighting back (a little late, but whatever…):
[i]The suit, which seeks $70 million in damages, names as defendants CBS and its chief executive, Leslie Moonves; Viacom and its executive chairman, Sumner Redstone; and Andrew Heyward, the former president of CBS News.
In the suit, filed this afternoon in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, Mr. Rather charges that CBS and its executives made him “a scapegoat” in an attempt "to pacify the White House,�??"though the formal complaint presents virtually no direct evidence to that effect. To buttress this claim, Mr. Rather quotes the executive who oversaw his regular segment on CBS Radio, telling Mr. Rather in November 2004 that he was losing that slot, effective immediately, because of "pressure from ‘the right wing.’ "
He also continues to take vehement issue with the appointment by CBS of Richard Thornburgh, an attorney general in the administration of the elder President Bush, as one of the two outside panelists given the job of reviewing how the disputed broadcast had been prepared. [/i]
Byron York has further thoughts here:
[i]In the suit, Rather alleges that he was forced to apologize for the Bush story as part of a conspiracy by top CBS management to ensure that no further damaging revelations about the president�??s time in the Texas Air National Guard would become public.
Rather also alleges that CBS hired a private investigator to re-report the original story �?? after Rather threatened to hire his own private eye to do the same thing �?? and that the investigator found the story to be accurate, only to have his findings suppressed by CBS as part of an effort to curry favor with the Bush White House.
Finally, Rather alleges that CBS fired him over the story the day after Bush was reelected, despite his later claims that his departure was separate from the Bush story.[/i]
I think JTF should investigate…