another solution (if you end up finding their house)-
another solution (if you end up finding their house)-
[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
martyh wrote:
If my goddam German Shepherd weren’t still a puppy I would have let her out, didn’t even cross my mind at the time. Fuckers
Yeah, that’s smart, let the dog out to bite someone (assuming he would in the first place). That would do wonders for the homeowners premium and if you’re lucky…drumroll plese, get the dog ruled a dangerous animal subject to certain restrictions or even death. Yeah…that’s a plan.
You’re like a little parasite, that hops around sucking the fun juices out of anything people are trying to have a ball with!! Wtf happened to you? No one played with you during your childhood or what?
When I was like 16 me and two of my buddies were walking through a neighborhood one weekend afternoon. I remember I had picked up a rock and chucked it at some random house. I broke a kitchen window with it, and an old man runs out after us. His wife was cooking dinner or something and had cut her hand on a knife she was using to chop up vegetables when the window broke. He looked like he wanted to kill all three of us, but kept his cool. He asked which one threw the rock, and I stepped up and told him it was me. I forgot what he said to me that day, but he made me like the biggest asshole that ever lived. I deserved to get my ass beaten, but instead he just made me feel like shit, which was probably worse.
I don’t remember if I apologised, and I never went through that neighborhood again. My life was changed forever after that day.
I’m sorry old man and thanks for not killing me too.
Just cluster bomb the entire bus stop; cut the problem off at the nect ya know?
[quote]UFgator11 wrote:
another solution (if you end up finding their house)-[/quote]
That was absolutely hilarious!