Day 1
Power snatch 5x5 - 135
Band face pull 5x20
Reverse hyper 5x25
Push press 8x3 - 185
Front squat 5x1 - 270
Chest supported row 4x10 - 240
Incline press 3x10 - 220
Conventional deadlift 1x3 - 300
Pull ups 6x5
Close Grip Bench 3x10 - 185
Close Grip Curl 3x10 - 135
Push ups 4x15
Situps 4x20
Leg Raise 4x20
Bikes 4x20
Mad Russian 4x20
Obliques 4x20
Frogs 4x20
2 hours of light cardio
12 min of direct forearm work with gyro machine