Cyclonengineer’s Engineering New Muscle

ABF Week 1 day 2

Starting slow

10 ABCs with 20kg KBs


So, had some medical tests done recently,
I know I have had some liver issues since I was a teenager (bad genetics and stupidly high triglycerides - those have known me awhile on here know I have had pancreatitis multiple times in the past), but this time around they found moderate to severe fatty liver and some early fibrosis (which makes it NASH). Got a follow up with doctor in a couple of weeks, but I am a bit anxious for the future as this liver stuff leads to nothing good.

okay, rant over.

Sending hugs and prayers. Please let me know if there’s anything that I can help you with nutritionally speaking to help manage all of this.

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I know I was giving some RDs crap the other day, but I truly do value your opinion.

Both my doctor and my “use to get my glucose strips” RD have recommended the Mediterranean Diet to me as possibly being better for my liver health. I have looked into it and it seems to be fat heavy with olive oil (I don’t mind that) but lacking a bit in the protein department. Carbs are generally lower on the glycemic index which works for me.
Any insights you can share into this diet?

For context, they found F2 fibrosis in my liver (I have had NAFLD since I was a teenager but now it’s morphing to NASH).


So, in my opinion and based on both the research and what I’ve seen in practice, the Mediterranean Diet is in the top 3-5 of ways of eating that I’d recommend for overall health and longevity.

It’s focus is heavily on non-processed “real” foods with emphasis on healthy fats, good carbs, lots of veggies, fish, nuts and more limited amounts of high fat meats, added sugars and less optimal fats and ingredients. It doesn’t have to be low protein, it’s just a matter of choosing leaner meats and fish more often.

In your case, I would certainly recommend giving it a shot! Please let me know how it goes or if you have any questions about anything if you do go that route.

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Thank you,

I am currently waiting the arrival of hurricane Milton here on the east coast of florida, so it’s survival food mode especially if we lose power. Will start more on this next week.


Oof, I hope everything ends up okay.

My family’s place is also on the east coast

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Sending you lots of prayers!!!


Made it through the storm well. We didn’t get hit to bad on the east coast in my neighborhood. Nearby places had tornados and part of the roof of the airport is missing.

Somehow the rear left tire on my SUV went flat and all but two of my porch screens are gone (they needed to be replaced anyway). We still have water, power, and internet.

All in all not bad.


Glad everything is okay!

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Back at it today

October 14, 2024

Double kettlebell Presses 20kg

2x 2, 3, 5, 10

80lb sandbag Stiff legged RDL
3x 12, 12, 12

Orange band chest flyes
3x 13, 13, 13

Hangboard pull-ups
3x 3, 3, 1



Red band pull apart warm up x50

Restarting armor building program took too much time off/haven’t had discipline to workout last couple months. Plan is to push hard until Christmas break.

1st two weeks is combo ABC and pressing.

All with 20kg bells

5x Armor Building Complex

4x 2, 3, 5 double KB press


So I seriously slacked the last 3 months on working out. Did some here and there but didn’t log.
Need to get back into a routine as my A1c numbers did not come back where I wanted them.

Armor Building Formula Week 1 day 1
20 kg KBs
5 Armor Building Complex

5x 2, 3, 5 clean and press away


ABF Week 1 day 2
20 kg KBs
Alternating Presses 3x 2, 3, 5, 10

ABCs x 6

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