Hey guys!
First of all I want to say HI to everyone and send greetings from sunny
Cologne in Germany.
I want in this month start a cycle to gain some mass. I got 3 year
experience and 1 cycle after me
(year ago test enan + deca). Now I bought a magic package from my friend in
UK and even the name of juice is for me new. So after 1 year of not being
up-to-date with underground suplements I need a bit help how I should take
this, how often and how many, or even if I should add anything else or what is
So, the equipment:
TEST BLEND 400 – 20ml
TESTABOL 400 – 10ml
TRI – TRENABOL 150 – 30ml
Any clues, tips or tricks?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Greetings, Michael.