Cycle test+deca

Hey everyone, I’m new here. I’m 47 and have been on TRT for about 4 years. I inject 200mg/week. My doctor now has the ability to prescribe deca. I was thinking about bumping test up to 300-400mg/week and running 150mg/deca. Will I get decent results with that?

Results are not based on drugs they are based on diet and training.
If you do this you need to understand that your bloodwork will bed fd up for a while so I make sure your doctor bloods are pretty far apart. Deca will show as very high test.
As far as the cycle goes I would just leave the 200 test and add 125-150 deca. You will prob need to run an AI as well so make sure you have it on hand before you start.

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My diet and workouts have been on point and very strict. My doc is prescribing them so I would think he’d be aware of the changes in blood work. He was the one recommending to add deca. Is 150 deca a minimal dose?

I used 100mg/wk of Deca when it was dispensed in a 1 ml vial of 100mg/ml.

No, the sky is the limit with any drug but for a first time that is a good dose. I have years of experience with it and usually only take 300/wk or so.
The more you run the more sides you may encounter. Low dose is best to see how you react. Can always run more later.

Thank you. Now will I look puffy from retaining water? I’m 5-9” 200 and really vascular right now. I really like the vascularity. Or would I be better off not using deca and bumping test up?

6 of one half dozen of the other. Deca does not aromatize as much as test on paper but you won’t know until you try. Get aromasin and run 12.5mg EOD to start and see where you stand after a few weeks.
What is your plan for duration of the deca/test? Not a great idea to run indefinitely.

post a pic

he is not prescribing you 550mg per week.

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Mg for mg equal amounts of testosterone and Deca is always better than doubling the testosterone


so 100mg deca per week with 100mg test per week would be better than 200mg of test per week?

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But I do believe 200/200 is the sweet spot for risk:reward

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I was gonna run 12 weeks

I just switched docs and have enough test to run 400 for 10 weeks or back it down from there. He is prescribing the deca also

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If this is your first time cycling gear you should prob just run elevated test to see how you respond. Put the deca aside for next time.

I’ve used peptides and ran test up to 300/week but never got into anything like deca or var

If you worked out at the gym I trained and you asked me what you asked in your opening question, I wouldn’t need to ask this: Does it look like you lift weights and are obviously muscular?

What can you bench press for 5 reps?
What can you squat for 5 reps?
Is it obvious to everyone that you lift weights?
Does it look like you don’t need to drop any body fat?

I don’t know how to attach a picture

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Bench 295/5
Squat 365/5


Good foundation to add more muscle.

I would do AAS cycles that slightly increased the weekly milligrams on each following cycle.

I would run 200mg/wk testosterone and 150mg/wk Deca this cycle

Next cycle up testosterone to 300mg/wk and keep Deca at 150mg/wk

Then the next cycle stay at 300mg/wk testosterone and up Deca to 200mg/wk

You mentioned Anavar: the next cycle run 300mg/wk testosterone and 200mg/wk Deca and add in 10mg/day Anavar (maybe a little higher but not more than 25mg/day.)

The thought is the more muscle you get, the more AAS you need to get even more muscle.

I would prefer running 8 week cycles followed by 6 to 8 weeks off cycle and repeat.