[quote]Turbo Mysterio wrote:
The Phantom wrote:
Turbo Mysterio wrote:
The Phantom wrote:
I personally think HCG is useless here other than the fact that it will help with keeping your nuts up to size. So mainly aesthetics I suppose. Thats your call tho.
Might I suggest using Propionate instead of Enanthate? I know some dislike injecting ED and some get problems with prop but if you can handle it then it will kick in much faster than Enanthate. Or pick up some prop and use it at the beginning with the Enanthate until the Enanthate kicks in. Maybe the first 3-4 weeks.
It is your call, but I think you could run the Dbol longer if you’d like too.
I am a believe in only using as much AI as needed instead of going overboard with it, but you seem to know how you respond to increased E and I think your dosing is good to go with the adex.
I think you should increase your PCT and do a 40/40/20/20 imo…certainly nothing wrong with what you have, but I personally believe in being a little more aggressive in regaurds to pct.
my .02
So in theory you could use prop as a kick-start instead of dbol? F-dat throw dbol on top and I’m sure it would be a blast pre-workout. Maybe No-xplode. What with guys getting away with SERM tapers as a PCT. Is it duration, dosage dependent? I’m almost sure of it but I would appreciate your input…Phantom. In whatever the case, my input to the OP: There’s nothing wrong with overkilling the PCT portion. I also second the Phantom regarding AI admin. Holla!
yes you can use prop as a ‘kick start’ or whatever you want to call it. I would run dbol with it too…actually I’d probably just run prop/dbol for the cycle and ditch the Test E but there is no harm in running that if thats what you have.
I’m not much a believer in using AAS for anything preworkout. Get it in your system and keep levels as stable as possible. Yes half lives and such come into play and possibly you can use dbol and other fast acting drugs to increase your workout but if you need that aggression and whatnot to lift then your different than I as I ‘get up’ for any of my workouts lol.
I believe that SERM tapers are necessary in helping prevent an estro rebound…I know I would certainly taper an AI because of this. Also keep in mind that some SERMS can act as estrogens I believe so adding in high doses and just stopping can throw your hormones for a whack. lol One of the vets would probably clarify this better than I.
You’re not keen on the whole “I feel the dbol kickin’ in bra” phenomenon? Personally, 35-50mg preworkout of an arm day guaranteed painful pumps and stellar training sessions.[/quote]
yea but 100mg/day drol guarantees awesome pumps, etc and it doesn’t matter how close proximity I take that 100mg to the workout. I never really noticed enough to matter taking it pre-workout .vs. just the same time daily. Some days it was pre workout some days it wasn’t. I’m more stickler of if I take my pills at 10am then I try and take em at 10am ED. lol [quote]
I could forsee the use of prop,dbol as a great kickstart coupled with test e used as the main compound in a 8-10 weeker. [/quote]
I definitely agree.