[quote]tedro wrote:
By the very definition of evolution, there must be change.
Yeah, you caught me being a stupid. I meant that in the scheme we were talking about of good and bad changes, sometimes evolution just manages to restore the same equilibrium but by changing something.
[quote]tedro wrote:
You are correct, and that is what I am saying, but I am afraid you may be jumping to the wrong conclusion. This is where morality enters the equation. We also must be very careful with semantics at this point.
Yes, evolution does not specify that the change is for the better. Even change for the worse is still called evolution, and terms like de-evolution and reverse evolution are redundant. However, for the sake of this argument, I refer to evolution as change for the better, and de-evolution, or reverse evolution, as change to a more primitive state.
We are not animals, we are not bacteria, we are not viruses. We are human beings and operate on a much higher level than anything else ever discovered. Do you think the goal of humanity is simply to survive for as long as possible, or to survive and maintain a high quality of life? I believe we should do everything in our power and within reason to ensure a high quality of life for future generations, and not simply survive.
Yes, people are alive today because of advancements in technology that would not be alive 100 years ago. This is great, and they are also living better lives. We must be careful with this new power to help everyone live though. People want power and people get spoiled and it is human nature to be selfish. If we continue down this road of unregulated reproduction, and the current trend of the unintelligent, less fit, breeding in larger numbers than the genetically superior, then we will be left with a majority hungry for power, but not intelligent enough to foresee the problems of they themselves being in power. It may not kill off humanity, but it will decrease the quality of life for everyone.
Again, I have not suggested that anyone should lose their right to life, merely that everyone should not have the right to breed.
I think I was bringing a scientific knife to a moral gunfight. I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. It does make me upset to see “progress” really biting us in the ass. I’d love to see a return to a hunter-gatherer setting. I don’t think our quality of living has increased over the years and I think right now we’re on the edge of a very slippery slope. The fact that obesity rates are so high, and most people are basically consuming a corn diet, but still managing to live so long, and with so many complications. At least I don’t believe the only way we can achieve peace and perfection is in nonexistence.