Crystallized tst Cypionate

Hello. I have recently bought a few bottles of test cyp and after I opened the vial, few days later it starts to crystallize. It is stored in a medical cabinet with constant temperatures of 70-73 farenheit.

It only happens to the opened vial, so I am worried about it being some other contamination, although I’m not sure what could cause it? The only thing that come to my mind is somehow the steam of the shower and given humidity? It is a closed medical cabinet but it might be it. Does anybody else have this experience? After putting it in hot water for 10 min and shaking the bottle it all disolved in the oil. I just find it weird because the temperature doesn’t go below 70 over here. Is there a possible source of contamination and bacteria growing?

Edit : so after I shake the bottle and it all melts in. Immediately after I can see with my eye the crystallization process to happen again. Is the tst still safe to use? I have never experienced something like this with any other brands.

The hormone is crashing out of suspension with the oil.
Boil some water and set it in there for a while. Is should dissolve back into solution. It may crash again so you may have to boil each time you use it.
IMO it’s only one vial, just chuck it if it doesn’t stay in suspension after heating.

The exact same thing has happened to me with the previous vial, I was just on a higher dose back then so it was almost empty, I threw it away and thought it was just that one vial. I have not travelled anywhere with those and never exposed light or any other temperature. Could it be the air from syringe in it?

No, typically it’s from the cold. Try heating to bring the hormone back in suspension.
I’ve had this happen a couple of times when I had gear shipped in the winter. Been able to save all but one vial. Vendor sent me a replacement.

Doesn’t happen to any other unopened vial. Been plunging it in hot water for about 20 minutes now. The result is still the same. Crystalization starts immidiately after I take it out and give it a slight shake. The first vial I had from the vendor did this, and was shipped before winter really started anywhere. Now this is second batch I got from the same vendor and does this. I had a very bad reaction to one shot from the first vial ended up in the ER with hypoglycemia signs ( had like 8 seizures in a row, 2 minutes after I took my shot,) been unable to sleep for 4 days and was pretty sure I was dying or at least developed diabetesc after probably due to given anxiety and panic attacks because of the episode. All my bloodwork,ekg, blood sugar is in order. Didn’t have any issue since then. I don’t want to blame the manufacturer because I only read good reviews on them, but it seems a little odd to me. I have been in an out of cycles for about 10 years from diffirent brands and I previously lived in Europe in a very cold climate and never had this happen to me. Now I live in Florida. Not sure where they ship the gear from, but like I said all of the sealed vials look normal.

Microwave it. 15second increments, then shake the fuck out of it.

Test melting point is in the 400s, so boiling water sometimes doesnt cut it.

The metal crimp will be fine in the microwave as long as you only nuke one vial at a time.

As @s.gentz said, if it falls out of suspension again after melting it, just chuck the vial. Test is cheap anyways.

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