Hey guys. I recently inquired about the 2 on 2 off cycle, but have decided to just do a stand short lean bulk cycle of 500mg/ week test prop and 30mg/day dbol. I will be running 10mg nolva throughout then doing a test taper into a pct of nolva at 40/30/20/10. I know one would typically use an AI as opposed to a serm on cycle, however I have 300 10mg nolva tabs so…lol.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Also any experiences, good and bad alike, from a cycle similar to this one that any have you have done.
buy some adex you cheapskate.
cycle length?
No hCG?
Why are you running the test taper?
why isn’t your PCT just the usual 40/40/20/20?
[quote]rds63799 wrote:
buy some adex you cheapskate.
cycle length?
No hCG?
Why are you running the test taper?
why isn’t your PCT just the usual 40/40/20/20?[/quote]
I may breakdown and buy some adex. But I also thought that using an AI with dbol would greatly reduce gains due to those gains mostly coming from estrodial properties of dbol?
I left out the hcg, sorry, I am of course running that. Standard weekly dosing.
I have never done a test taper, thought t would be cool to try out?
And I guess I could just stick to the usual 40/40/20/20 with the nolva.
You have any experience with such a cycle?
Thanks for the input!!!
[quote]rds63799 wrote:
buy some adex you cheapskate.
cycle length?
No hCG?
Why are you running the test taper?
why isn’t your PCT just the usual 40/40/20/20?[/quote]
I may buy adex, I was just thinking that an AI would reduce a good deal of gains since dbol relys heavily on its estroidial properties.
Test taper just seems cool, never done it.
Cycle length will most likely be 8 weeks. 6 weeks dbol, 8 weeks prop. I forgot to mention I will be using hcg throughout.
I guess ill just stick to the standard 40/40/20/20 for nolva.
Thanks for the input!
You have any experience with such a cycle? If so what were the gains and sides??
You can actually frontload the nolva at 120mg the first day, then 4 weeks at 20mg.
I’m only just about to start my second cycle mate, so I can’t comment on how you’ll get on but half a gram of test a week with the dbol kicker sounds like a good time to me!