I’ve posted here before and didn’t get much response. That was 3 - 6 months ago, I’ve done more research since then and would like your help with my first cycle.
I’ll be 22 when I start (21 now), been lifting on and off since I was 15/16. Trained seriously since I was 19 (seriously as in perfected diet and routine, never missed days etc).
200 lbs
Around 13% bodyfat
Planning to do;
Sustanon 250
Injecting 150mg EOD for 10 - 12 weeks (averages to 525mg a week)
(uncertain on whether to do 10 or 12 weeks)
ADex 0.25mg EOD for the duration of cycle (10 - 12 weeks)
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Pretty good beginner cycle, though you should titrate the dose of arimidex, according to symptoms.
You may not need 0.5mg/day. But… you may need more. Play it by ear, in other words.
We can help with that (adjusting dose, based upon symptoms).
Good luck.
EDIT: and I would recommend 10 weeks over 12, but at a slightly higher dose.[/quote]
Thank you heaps for your input!
What doseage would you recommend? 600mg a week?
I’ve read that some people recommend around 750mg a week on the first cycle, just to make the most of the first time. But from what I’ve read (please correct me if I’m wrong), taking more than 500mg a week means there’s a significantly higher chance of side effects.