My doctor recommends that I take 200 milligrams of cyp every seven days and also take anastrozole 1 milligram every seven days and 25 milligrams of enclomiphene every seven days all at the same time. I think I read in here that someone takes anastrozole 24 hours after their first injection but I just wanted to see what was the consensus for a standard dosage.``
Your doctor sounds like the typical “one size fits all” approach. That’s a horrible starting point IMO. 200mg is too hgih for TRT for the majority of men. The AI is also high but when you’re pushing high doses of Test it may be come necessary. Most guys don’t need ANY AI on the proper Test Dose, but again some do. Enclomiphine on test? pshhh… find a better doc if you have options.
The suppression from the exogenous injectable testosterone is so strong that enclomiphene can’t possibly work as intended, and that’s a replacement for compounded hCG which was banned by the FDA.
You should have done your research before and not after moving forward with this clinic. We even get guys that come here and go on their protocols and take all their medicines and then they come here and make a thread about it asking about their protocols.
The level of blind trust people have in doctors in general, and these hormone clinics is astounding!
Thanks for the info, yeah this is just a cheap clinic and I just wanted to get the supplies and then adjust as necessary. The clinic originally said they were sending cyp with AI mixed but I said no.
I have done tons of research and pretty much read every post regarding enclomiphene and arimidex. I have not taken those yet but it is very confusing because it seems that everyone is so bio individual that some people have great results taking enclomiphene and arimidex and some people get sides.
If you are on the correct amount of test you should need neither.
You are the 2nd person who has said that but it doesn’t logically make sense to me. You are saying if the correct dosage of cyp is found per person then estrogen levels won’t be an issue. Supplementing with cyp will turn some of that test into estrogen and estrogen levels will increase. For example, my test levels were 490. I want to be at 800-900 so I will have to experiment with the dosage. I am assuming my estrogen levels will increase but with your logic, you are saying they won’t be an issue for me. How is that possible to make that statement?
This is the issue. You are chasing numbers. You should be chasing symptom relief. In most cases the proper dose for symptom relief will require no ancillary products to combat other issues.
Well numbers matter but to your point symptom relief matters too. What about men who are genetically predisposed to convert more testosterone into estradiol than others. You’re saying they don’t need some type of aromatase inhibitor?
To what end? I still don’t understand taking a SERM while on TRT if it’s to maintain fertility.
Ya I agee. I’m not taking the enclo but from what I have read it keeps your nuts and loads big but it can also mess with your vision. Some people take the enclo and feel great and their LH and FSH levels are good and then some people show no improvement in LH and FSH levels.
Not while on the injectable testosterone. As stated before, exogenous testosterone suppression is too strong to be overcome by any SERM. You can however, get side effects.
It’s as confusing as you wanted it to be. I would quit worrying about everyone else and focus on what works for you.
That’s why I said “most”. Oh course there are people who convert more.
Just because you convert more testosterone to estrogen, doesn’t mean they’re going to be symptoms.
Here is my 2 cents. If you are just getting started with TRT that 200mg per week is going to hit pretty hard and you’re going to experience some real or “perceived” side effects. During this time, you’re going to wonder if it’s the test dose causing this, E2 sides from too much or too little anastrozole, or the enclomiphene. In my opinion you should start with a lower dose of test ONLY and creep up on dose until symptom resolution occurs. You can and should have anastrozole on hand just in case, but if your test dose is correct for “YOU” you shouldn’t need it.
As for the enclomiphene? NO
Thanks for all the info!
Everyone is different, I can say my doc is strictly against any AI.