Craziest Circumstances for Sex

Okay, I admit it, sex is on the mind today, and I was playing back some old tapes in my mind. What are the craziest/strangest/most unusual circumstances you’ve had sex in?

I’ll start:

Sex on the 50yd line of Camp Randall Stadium (Go Badgers!) Then in the end zone 5 minutes later. Gives you a real connection when you see them lining up national TV right where you did the deed.

Getting head while driving a car with T-tops off through an accident scene with paramedics trying to flag me down.

How about you?

1995 at a Kappa Delta Cristmas Formal, the table that we were sitting at had a skirt on it and so did my date. So taking full advantage of both situations we bumped nasties under the table during the award ceremonies.

On a lawn chair poolside doggystyle at from like 6-7 in the morning in aruba while people who hadn’t been out partying all night were passing by on their morning walk to watch the sun rise (very odd posistion too-reverse pile driver). It was beautiful.

Another time in school (college) I was I had this really boring BIO seminar and the girl I sat next to was always talking about sex. I looked at her and said “This is boring as fuck”, she said “I gues that depends on who you’re fucking”. I called her bluff and said lets go. Minutes later I was fucking her brains out off on one of the trails back to the student housing.

Warhorse, good story bud. But you really need to work on your endurance there.


You’re making the assumption that it was 5 minutes from the start of the 50yd line to the start in the endzone. In reality it was 5 minutes from the end of the first to the start of the second.

But I’ll admit I didn’t last too long. I tend to hurry things along when in public. Especially when I’m loaded out of my mind, with an underage (for drinking) gf, trespassing, and expecting security to show up any minute.

But anyway, it’s really a weird, kinda spooky feeling being on the 50yd line of a gigantic empty stadium.

Awe it’s okay…my endurance sucks too.

My turn!
Sex in the girls bathroom stall at a club while it was crowded.
Sex in a cubicle at work while most everyone was supposed to be in a big dick meeting with the CEO.
Sex with my (now ex) girlfriend’s best friend while she was sleeping less than 8 feet away from us.
Sex in the closet with a girl so nobody would know what we were up to - not a walk-in closet either.
Sex in the bed of my truck at my little brother’s T-ball game.

One time with the lights on. Golly, that sure was naughty!

Geez Merlin, can’t fathom why she’s an ex-girlfriend after you banged her “best” friend 8 ft away.

Golf Course, 10th hole. Always makes hitting onto the green a little more relaxing when you have done the deed there, I took the Flag off the pin as a memento

Library stacks at School during “class day”. Basically its the day before you graduate and there are all these famous speakers, everyone in your class there, and your parents.

Also, in the study room in the library, given to my girlfriend to do her thesis work in.

Softball field, Standing up in the middle of the diamond, after everyone had left the field following the Faculty-Student softball game for my department

Swing Set on the Beach on the Costa Del Sol, with tides washing in, and the sun going down. Swings are fun!!!

Bathroom of Lord and Taylor’s.

On the 30,000 dollar hand crafted pool table of my ex GF father, with the girl in her prom dress.

The one I never got to, but thought I had planned to a T was the stage for graduation. They set the stage up like 3 days before graduation, and obviously people try and do it the night before graduation…I thought I would be smart and sneak down there the night of graduation assuming it would still be up…doh, as soon as graduation was over, while people were still taking pictures with their parents they started ripping the stage down.

Those are some good ones biltrite!


That reminds me of a time I was on my GF’s parent’s 30ft sailboat. Her parents and brother were there, and we all went to sleep. My GF quietly crawled on top of me and (despite my saying NO!) played it to the end – about 3 feet from her brother and 6 feet from her parents. I was freaked, but it was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. The next morning her brother mentioned he had noticed a funny smell LOL!

That GF would get unbelievably wet. She got so wet everytime it would literally take a bathtowel folded in half to even begin to contain the puddle she would create. Never seen anything like it before or since.

girls bathroom in college library, while a class was going on right down the hall.

hand job from sisters best friend covered by a blanket while my friends and sister were sitting on the couch next to us watching skinamax, everyone knew what was going on, especially when I busted a nut all over her hand (and friends blanket) and she started screaming ooooh oh my god uck, then ran to the bathroom to wash her hands. I stared laughing and my friend said good job. I appologized for ruining his blanket, lol. college + alcohol = fun

-Girl friends sorority, in the basement study. Sure wish her sisters would have joined in! :slight_smile:

Also did it in a stall in the ladies room at a club.
On the hood of my new car in a state park. Left her ass prints and other various fluids.
On my weight bench in my basement w/my ex’s friend waiting upstairs.
Numerous hand jobs under the bar.
In a Chevy S-10 (not extended cab). Might not sound crazy but I’m 6’1".

in cancun at like 2 a.m. on one of the pool chairs. most likely hundreds of people saw us because my friend said he saw two people fucking by the pool the next day. i really don’t care because whatever happens in cancun stays in cancun, ha (stupid saying)

Oh, I know that is hard, Scrub. I drive a full-size GMC reg cab truck and have had a very hard time trying to get it on in there.

I forgot one: on top of the roof when I was a manager at a fast food place.


I had a F150 back in the day, with bench seats. I put the seat back and my GF hopped on top and we did it driving down the interstate.

Damn, I gotta get back into this.

Yes, forgot about losing the game of strip Pong in the Sorority basement, I tore that house to shreds. Including the fundo catholic Cheerleader who soon turned into the Irish Virgin.

ok here’s a few odd circumstances - since my parents were always home when I was in highschool, i’d always have to do it outside with my gf at the time. This led to nailing her on the barn roof, the 4-wheeler, an igloo i made during the winter. ah what else? o yeah a hand job in the back of the rotary van coming back from a church youth group rally, and head in the back seat of her dad’s corolla while her dad was driving.

And cum to think I thought it was so original when I took my girlfriend into the guys bathroom in the library and nailed her doggy style in the stall. I did use my bookbag positioned just right so you could only see my feet:-)We were sick of studying that night!

Back seat of a Corolla while her dad was driving? How on earth did you pull that off? Good thing you didn’t aplatter goo all over the back of her dad’s head!