I have been counting my cal intake for a little over a month now and I am trying to be as accurate as possible. I have read that Olive Oil breaks down pretty easily when you cook with it and was wondering if I should still count the cals in say a tablespoon of Olive Oil if I saute spinach with it or rub some on my chicken and then grill or bake it.
It still contains the calories but (in simplistic terms) it’s makeup changes. It’s the fat chains that break down not its caloric content.
It still contains all the calories so you need to count them.
BTW, cooking with extra virgin olive oil is not a good idea. It’s smoking point is much lower than plain olive oil, you destroy the taste when you heat it and it’s expensive. Save the EVOO for salads and such. Buy some cheaper plain olive oil for sauteing and marinades.
better yet, use a fat that doesnt break down so easily.
there is not point taking in the extra calories if they arent going to contribute positvely to your health.
try macademia nut oil, peanut oil and coconut oil.
dont complain about saturated fat in these oils, if you are eating like you are supposed to (no processed junk) then you in fact need these saturated fats to help maintain a healthy fat balance.
I’m curious whether EVOO actually breaks down at temps lower than the smoking point (ie medium heat sauteeing). Most of the talk I hear about it breaking down refer to temps most people generally don’t even use EVOO for (ie deep frying). Anyone have any literature about it?
Yeah, I have been meaning to pick up some coconut oil among other things. That should be happening this week.
Yeah dude, I’d DEFINITELY cook with coconut oil over the rest.