Continuing Cycle after Emotional Stress?

Hi guys, I’m on TRT ( 100mg per week which puts me at top of the lab range) and I upped my test last week to 500mg per week.

This weekend I received some bad news which has put me in shock, I feel pretty stable emotionally right now but I know high levels of test and estrogen can play with your emotions and thoughts, so I’m wondering if I should drop the test back to normal levels whilst I deal with this or if continuing to run at higher levels would be ok?

I crashed my E2 a year ago and it turned me into a unstable needy motherfucker, I don’t want to become unstable, I feel very grounded right now, could be the higher test, but because I’ve experienced what unbalanced hormones can do to the mind, it’s made me cautious, I know crashed E2 is a whole other world compared to high test but I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice/ info.


I say go back to your baseline. The last thing you need is another externality. Based on an educated guess of the source of your stress I’d say focus on maintaining your mental health first. You can always cycle later. But you can’t undo a major mistake or breakdown.

When I have important things to do in the job or personally I would not mess with anything

Thanks! This is kinda what I already knew but hearing it from someone else helps make the decision much easier so thank you.
I’ll drop back to base line and cycle in the future when I can focus on it more.

Thanks, makes sense, I’ll drop down to baseline