I am trying to decide who would be best to consult , I have mailed physioLojik and defy labs for my low T problems .
PhysioLojik is charging 500$ for initial and post consultation which is quite a bit as I am from India .
Which doc do you guys recommend defy labs or physioLojik or should I go for a local endo since I am from India it’s not a problem but they might not be competent in TRT.??
Also after reading all the articles on the forum and with the help of forum members and my local docs etc …do you think it is really needed or worth it to consult defy or physioLojik ???as their fee is REALLY REALLY high compared to Indian endo docs who charge average 8$ a consultation
In India I can get all the hormones otc I need and docs are easy to access etc
If reallyyyy required to consult defy or physioLojik for tweaking the TRT ata later stage maybe I can consult them later IF it is very very important.
It sounds as though you have not tried anyone locally and if so, I would go that route first. You could ask around and see if someone can refer you to a knowledgeable doctor. Do some homework going in and come across as a knowledgeable and informed patient.
His receding hairline is a clue to his age, used to be an endo in managed healthcare and got out because he knew he couldn’t help people in “sick care”. Dr. Saya has published some impressive papers on estrogen’s effects on HPTA downregulation in men not on TRT who he has seen in his practice.
If I go with defy labs will they insist on adding HCG to my TRT protocol???
I was thinking of doing just test enanthate 100mg/e5d with later nolvadex if needed
Physio has 2 full 1500+ post threads where he answered questions for free for a year or more. Not just the usual E2 or should I lower my dose questions but full on thyroid, ED, brain chemistry, interactions, etc and all with studies to back up the claims. $500 for direct access to a knowledgeable endo in the field doesn’t seem out of line to me. I seriously doubt physio reached out to that guy. I guarantee he reached out to physio (who no longer has time to be on the forum) and $500 is what it takes for it to be worth it for him.
Not sure about Dr Saya but physio is a 270 lb bodybuilder/endo who has more than proven his knowledge on here and I’m as sceptical as one can be about anything I read.
What they send you, and what you actually use, are two completely different things. I do not believe that they do a lot of insisting, but they like to make things available at your option.
I think it depends on the individual, but should never happen right out of the gate. If you want to try it, wait until you know what the test does to you first.
Read the thread about why to use hcg. Good place to start. Although it’s great to read up on dosing and what to expect, in the end you no never know how it will affect you until you try it. It makes sense to get trt dialed in first before trying it though so you know what to attribute to the hcg.