Constitutional Carry

I believe that every state should have constitutional carry. I think that of states have cpl laws that it shouldnt cost anything or very little (like 5 or ten dollars). it is unfair to charge someone for a constitutionally guaranteed right. If you have a poor man that cant afford the $105 that you must pay the state here in Michigan, should he be denied the right to self defense?

Also, how do anti-gun groups get off saying that the 2A doesnt apply to state and local governments. If you do that with one amendment then you have to do it with all of them. For instance, what if an anti-gun group had a demonstration in a very pro-gun state like Arizona. It was peaceful and they were handing out literature. Exercising their first amendment right to free speech. All of a sudden, the police come and break up the demonstration and arrest all of the group and charge them with a crime, that if convicted, would make them a felon.

The people arrested say they were exercising their 1A rights. They are told that the 1A applies only to the federal government and state and local governments are not obligated to recognize it. Imagine the outcry!!!

Anyway thats the end of my little rant.

Hmmmm…I was just reading a constitutional carry thread…