Sorry, BB, that’s what I say about any person that gets married. I know you don’t need this advice, but I’m going to post it anyway for the benefit of the youngsters who will check out this thread…
A marriage license is not a license to slack off on your relationship.
Too many times I’ve watched good people go all kinds of south with each other because of this one thing that they’ve forgotten. I know all these statistics say that it’s money that causes so many divorces, but I would beg to differ.
Anyway, good luck and my deepest condolences on your “legal status change”. Think of the fun with taxes you’re going to have now! hehehe
I made it through my 20s without changing my legal status, but now that I’m the big 3-0 I figured it was time to settle down. However, wearing jewelry is going to take some gettin’ used to.
Let’s not be premature with the condolences though – the bachelor party is Thursday night. How precisely does one fit Jack Daniels into the calorie calculations for Massive Eating again?
Oh yeah, and just in case you were worrried: She’s not a lawyer. “THey” don’t allow us to procreate within the profession - something about the national interest…
But is she a T-Woman?
Congratulations, BB. It’s a great thing, marriage, if you’ve found the right person.
(N.B. Not a “perfect” person–they’re not to be had–but the “right” person.)
Don’t forget the two most important things to do before getting married.
Get the prenuptial agreement signed, and the blowjob contract signed also. (Once a month minimum.) Remember if you don’t get it signed, it won’t ever happen again.
Now all that is left is for you to get a decent couch so that I can crash there come September till I get work. Given what passes as a reality show now days, I am sure we can get a spot on Fox or at the very least VH1.