Confusing Signs - Fake Test or Something Else?

I am 35 years old and I have been on testosterone for the last 11 years.

I consider myself well educated on testosterone matters, I read everything about the matter on this forums back in 2011… Never needed to comeback here until now.

About 6 months ago I was off test for 4 months but my testicles never really recovered and I was weak and had problems sleeping.

I then got back on test and I made some gains, got good libido and good sleep quality.

I am taking 125mg e3d

Now I am halving the second vial of test and I am noticing somewhat contradictory signs:

  • I have good libido and excellent sleep quality
  • I have made good gains and I think I could not be this muscular with fake gear
  • I have good apettite


  • My testicles are bigger that before I started taking test, maybe bigger than they ever were, when I always used to get testicular atrophy while on testosterone
    *My skin is not oily as it use to be while on test
    *I don’t feel the usual agrression

I am taking a VitaminC+zinc pill, could it be the reason I have no testicular atrophy?

I am taking the shot in the upper side of my leg, maybe I was not giving the right angle with the needle and shooting in the fat, could it be causing poor test absorption?

Here’s a Pic of my current status, I think it would be impossible for me to be this muscular if the test was not real

I read all your post and i dont understand - where exactly is the problem that you wanted to solve by creating this post? I really dont see any.
So basically you came back on test, everything is good and better than ever. So you jump in forums and… what exactly do you want us to do or say?
We cant tell is it fake test or good test by just a description of your balls and gains, lol. Want to check the test - send it to a lab.
I really dont understand what answers are you looking for.


My question is if I could be taking other substance instead of test and that would explain the fact of no oily skin and no testicular atrophy.

Where I live is not easy to get blood work or vial test done.

If the VitaminC+zinc pill solved the atrophy , maybe it could help other people too, but is even possible ? I’ve never heard it.

Keep in mind I’m using test for over 10 years and always had the atrophy and oily skin.

I dont think you could be using something that is not test because you say you have good libido.
No other steroid, that is not test would give you good libido without some dysfunction at least, as far as i know.
Also test is cheap, so there is no really a point to fake it. Tren, Deca, EQ, i believe are more expensive. Masteron also. It wouldnt be smart to sell a more expensive steroid for the price of basic test.

Where are you from?

Why not get some lab work and see?

Last night I took it with the 90 degree needle angle and today I felt it kicking in much better so probably the issue was that it wasn’t being delivered deep enough into the muscle.

Much more appetite today which indicates protein synthesis is higher due to higher test levels.

I am from Italy.

Or maybe you just didn’t eat a lot yesterday and are more hungry today?

Usually when my test levels get higher on gear and E2 is in check I can “ear” my stomach asking for food about 3 hours after the last meal.

I also smell that characteristic testosterone smell under my armpits, which was not present yesterday.

Nope! So wrong on so many levels.


To me it sounds like your gear is good, but I’m only guessing from what you said.

How long have you been on? The testicular atrophy needs some time.

I dont believe bloodwork in Italy is more complicated procedure than in Latvia.
What you ment by saying that you cant do bloodwork?

I will take the blood work if the situation persists but for now I think the problem may be due to improper technique taking the shot.

It’s just one day lost at work plus a trip to other city and more expenses…

Because it is enanthate I will do 3 every other day applications, with the proper 90 degree angle, to try achieve the new test level faster.

For now the skin in my face is more oily, and my face is getting more “red” probably due to higher red blood count.

I am noticing atrophy also.

I wasn’t getting the usual results from the test, and was somewhat afraid I was just getting old at 36 despite being training harder than I ever did, doing sets to failure and with intensity for the first time…

Also doing a proper diet with 1kg of meat per day and no sugars or fried foods

In the end of this week We wil see if this was indeed the issue.

It doesnt matter how you do it, if its in your body, it will be absorbed.

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