Confused by American Standard Unit for Free Test

For those interested in summary of all this fT mess…


Voldemort. He who cannot be mentioned by name.

I think people are ashamed to mention the name as they know will be ridiculed. Yet, they appear to have put all their faith in his method being the one that finally works.

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Thanks for the links, interesting that cfTV is so much more precise, at least in this specific case. If I’m ever unable to get Free T tested any other way I’ll make sure to use that haha.

Another thing is that for me at least the Direct method of testing Free T has been pretty accurate. I remember having one comparison with equilibrium dialysis where I changed nothing to my protocol and got very similar results.

I dont want to shame anyone but i will stick by this…

Correction, “various cults and faith groups state many people don’t feel “optimized” until their Free T hits 25 and better yet, 30+”


Yes 100% I am with you on this matter, now.

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As far as Free T levels, the best I’ve ever felt was at 19ng/dL 12 hours post injection on Test Prop, meaning my trough 24 hours post injection was probably significantly lower. And I’ve been up to 40ng/dL on Test C.

I think the daily variations and lesser HPTA suppression from the Prop ester are a big factor and I might feel amazing at 40ng/dL Free T on Prop, but at least for me 19ng/dL Free T presumably close to peak had me feeling great, putting on mass along with amazing pumps, and having crazy libido

See the link above. Direct RIA free T method will be 6-7x lower than ED. But some started thinking the units are wrong with labcorp hence they tried to change the pg/ml to ng/dl and say labcorp was using wrong units.

So direct methid correlates well with ED fT but quick check of %fT shows direct fT method way off accuracy wise.

Post in thread ‘Response from LabCorp About Their Incorrect Unit Usages For Their Free Testosterone - Direct - Test’ Response from LabCorp About Their Incorrect Unit Usages For Their Free Testosterone - Direct - Test | Excel Male TRT Forum


bixt at EM has a nice comparison of cfTV vs truT.

Post in thread ‘Very high FT on 70mg/wk?’ Very high FT on 70mg/wk? | Page 2 | Excel Male TRT Forum


Btw IMO it really adds value here to link to posts on other forums. Great new functionality! Thank you TNation!

Yeah thats why i am touting it! Looking out for reader!

Oops, I didnt see you had also posted the same link. Sorry about that. Have deleted my post since its a duplicate link.

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I feel bad for guys trying to make sense of their TT/fT numbers. Lots of moving parts and historical issues and artifacts.

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Very interesting, thanks for posting. I initially thought they were using wrong units before realizing it was pretty unlikely and then got lazy about looking into it more and decided to just go with ED as the consensus best method, but this makes a lot of sense

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At least a high confidence if not 100% :grinning:

Interesting, I’ve never placed too much value on it either way since I keep my TT high enough anyway.

You’d better be careful. If your levels go supraphysiological, the graph police will be coming for you!

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Haha thanks for the heads up

You mean Free T in general? I think Free T became the main thing I look at because my TT was very high when I got on TRT but Free T was completely tanked due to super high SHBG, so I learned early on not to care too much about TT.

Now that my SHBG has dropped considerably since starting TRT I would feel relatively comfortable going with TT if I had nothing else to look at

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Perhaps I missed the explanation, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around this FT stuff. Everyone including my doctors say it’s all about “Free T” and not so much “Total T.”

LabCorp (Direct) FT range is 6.8-21.5 pg/mL
Quest (Gold Standard / Dialysis) range is 34.0-155.0 pg/mL

A lot of the videos on the internet seem to say ~20 pg/mL is an ideal range. Some say 30-50’s. But then in this thread a lot of people are saying 30+ is dangerous. Nobody seems to say which range they are referring to.

But the two ranges above are very different, and 30-50 would be towards the bottom of the Quest range… so why is that dangerous?

Am I missing something? (Presumably yes)

And assuming those two ranges above; is there somewhere with some literature as to what would be considered low/dangerous on each? I’m ~10 pg/mL on LabCorp, and ~85 on Quest.

Really confusing.

Go back up to this post and read the links:

Pay attention to units and example for all the fT options.

Also this plot i did:

Even the “gold standard” equilibrium dialysis assays for fT havent been standardized across US reference laboratories yet. CDC is working on it. Examples above show that calculated fT by Veremulen method typically a decent estimate. Direct RIA free T method correlates with true fT but it is a factor typically 6-7 off once you keep track of units. Most people are not trained in units so are confused as hell and i dont blame them. It is very arcane. So numbers get thrown out without units and the shitshow continues.
