Now I have watched numerous girly movies in my time, such as mean girls and cranked, but never would i watch a walk to remember, that would just be crossing the line.
I’ve seen that movie one time but I thought it was annoying as all hell. I’m not a chick-flick hater, I just thought that movie sucked. Do I get at least one Testosterone point back for not liking the movie?
I still get choked up everytime I watch Transformers the movie and Prime dies, and even when Hot Rod becomes Rodimus Prime. WHen the “You got the touch” comes on I start balling. Does that make me gay?
[quote]kevinm1 wrote:
I still get choked up everytime I watch Transformers the movie and Prime dies, and even when Hot Rod becomes Rodimus Prime. WHen the “You got the touch” comes on I start balling. Does that make me gay?[/quote]
I hope not, because just you mentioning these scenes in the movie is making things very dusty at my desk.
I’ve fought it for the longest time, but I’m going to have to buy the old Transformers movie. I swore I’d never look at it because I was scared that my age would change how I felt about the movie.
[quote]taylorsj wrote:
I’ve seen that movie one time but I thought it was annoying as all hell. I’m not a chick-flick hater, I just thought that movie sucked. Do I get at least one Testosterone point back for not liking the movie?[/quote]
[quote]kevinm1 wrote:
I still get choked up everytime I watch Transformers the movie and Prime dies, and even when Hot Rod becomes Rodimus Prime. WHen the “You got the touch” comes on I start balling. Does that make me gay?[/quote]