If you and I were squirels, I could bust a nut in your hole.
When I look at you I hear music in my head … Duelling Banjoes.
“Are your parents retarded?.. Cause your special”
I am the father of this aboration. I wanted some help because I wanted to give my girlfriend a complement worthy of her. She is very hot, a dancer and we have been together for about 5 years.
I am not bad at this. True story - My last girlfriend went to jail and while she was there I wrote her a love letter. I am not going to say what I wrote but she told me when she showed the letter to the other girls, they said it was so beautiful that they felt cheated or short changed by their boyfriends. She said some of the girls called their boyfriends and swore at them and otherwise cussed them out.
I felt some of the responses were funny but on the whole totally uninspired. Whats wrong with you guys, haven’t you been in love with a really beautiful woman?
If you really want to know what I wrote in that letter, show me something, aside from humor, that I might build upon.
Thanks for your responses…
I don’t know if I am or not, but I haven’t really had a chance to say anything like that to the chick from the bus.
Hey I meant what I said. The “real” deal compliments are one of a kind. This got me thinking though… its been a while since I said much that was really romantic. But I’ve done really romantic things. I once took a girl danceing. I was in a tuxedo, she was in a long black dress. She was this beautiful exotic middle eastern girl. I’m a white guy. In the middle east! So this was akward. I treated her like and American girl, took her to this multi cultural dance. I bought her a gold band and had my initials engraved on the inside. I gave her 12 roses, we danced, my best friend then convinced us to go out to the beach with him. We then smoked hash! In the middle eastern state of Oman. Then everyone left us alone to walk on the beach in the middle of the night. It was very, very risky! Omani guys would walk along the beach occasionally and see us together! The air started getting cold and we took off our shoes and went down to the water. Then sat away from the tide and held each other kissing. We could have at the very least been arrested for what we did and neither one of us even thought about it. When I finally left that place she met me in a public place away from her family. I finally had to say goodbye. She looked at me and we started crying and then she kissed me in front of hundreds of Omani people. Super risky!!! Even held my hand while we walked around talking! Then after we kissed… she bolted away from the crowd and ran the fuck out of there crying. This was one of the most romantic things I’ve done and one of the most romantic things that ever happened to me. That was also the shortest period of time that I ever fell in love. Two weeks! We said many, many romantic things to each other. She was also the only woman to say to me that I was really one in a million, and mean it. I know it was a generic thing to say but she really meant it. One of the nicest things that anyone ever said to me.
I heard " Your as good looking when im sober as when im drunk!"
So did the pants thing work? You can’t drop one like that and leave us hanging!!!
corny as hell, but that’s what’s called for here cause girls like that (i think) - “You make me want to be a better man.” Taken from some “As Good as it Gets” with Jack Nicholson
Well, not really. He was able to talk with her and joke around with her for another 10 minutes or so, and she was kind of laughing along with him, but probably more AT him than with him. In the end I don’t think he was able to get her number or anything, so I guess you could call it a failure, but it looked, for a while there, like it was gonna’ work.
Wow…my Testosterone Friends are a LOT of things…but romantic ain’t one!(LOL!!!)
I guess I’m too “'ole School”…listened to too much R&B and “Slow Jams”…but a girl once told The Lion in College…“You simply bring me so much Joy…”
…I haven’t forgotten that…
If you wanna score, you shouldn’t be complimenting a girl . . . unless she is a 5 or under. If you compliment a 6+ you will only demonstrate to her that you are like every other AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) out there that supplicates. In fact, if a girl is a 8-10, you should perform neg-hits on her to demonstrate to her that you are not “tranced” out by her beauty. A neg hit is commenting about her in a manner that is neutral or subtley negative (e.g., “would you like a soda–they have diet.”–she is now thinking that she needs to lose a few pounds–he, he, he). By neg-hitting you set yourself apart from the rest of the groveling male populace that constantly bore her with the typical compliment that she has been hearing since she was 13! Think about it; the men she is most comfortable (father, brothers, close friends of the family) don’t treat her like a goddess; in fact, they will bust on her and treat her like a plain ol human being; this puts her at ease (unless of course you have a femi-nazi on your hands–but who wants to invest any further in such).
The laws of attraction are not logical, they are based in the dynamics of social and psychological power. Women love a challenge; they love to find a man who will not abdicate his power. It frustrates but fascinates them; it keeps them coming back for more. If you start off by being a “nice guy” (by that I mean buying flowers, writing poetry, supplicating, etc.), you will only greatly reduce your chances of getting truly intimate with her. Here are some good homework lessons for all you AFCs out there–a whole weeks worth:
Mon–Rent and watch “The Tao of Steve”
Tue–Listen to the entire Tom Leykis radio show
Wed–Check out the book “The 48 Rules of Power”–read the chaper on seduction
Thu–order the ebook “How to Double Your Dating”
Fri–Go to www.fastseduction.com and read real life pick-up theory, reports and techniques (often by accomplished PUAs).
For extracurricular points do the following:
Burn all “dating” or “relationship” advice written by a women. For real-life pickup these are worthless. For long term statisfiying relationships, these are great (books by women), but not for simply baggin’ some pink.
The best ever is to tell her what Jack Nicholson said to Helen Hunt in " As Good as it Gets". “You make me want to be a better person”. I would forgive anything after a guy sais that to me.