Coming Off TRT after 8 Years, Transition to Enclomid as a Trial

I’ve been on TRT for secondary hypogonadism for about 8 years (130mg/week in 2 shots, 0.25mg adex E3D, 250IU HCG/week), and want to regain fertility for kids - also fairly bored with pinning myself in the butt twice a week. Pretty sure HCG dose I’ve been on is too low for much benefit, my nuts are fairly atrophied.

I’ve done a fair bit of reading and it seems that once I’m off the shots, giving enclomid-only TRT therapy might be worth a go - I’ve read of a number of people achieving good T numbers, feeling OK, and being fertile. Aiming to start low (12.5mg EOD) and take it from there - it seems less is more with enclomid.

I’ve got a stock of enclomid, but I need to get from where I am now, to being on that instead.

Should I do a normal PCT for 4-6 weeks, and then switch on to the enclomid? Or can I just go straight on to it?

I know I need nolva, HCG and possibly clomid for a normal PCT, but I’m a bit unsure how much of each to take, for how long, and at what point I should start/stop each one. Can anyone please help me with a suggested protocol I can follow?

Really appreciate any help. Lots of info online about this, but much of it conflicting or vague.

After stopping testosterone you should up your dose of HCG for a few weeks until your balls are back to normal size and start the clomid in the middle of the HCG blast. Continue the clomid after finishing the HCG for an extended time. This is how I have been PCTing and I have never felt bad on PCT before.

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Thanks - you don’t bother with nolva then?

Try this, HCG 300-400iu daily X 14 days, FOLLOWED by Clomid 25mg daily X 28 days (6 week cumulative regimen)

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Many thanks, I’ll give it a go. I’ll just use regular clomid for the PCT, keep the enclomid for longer-term use since it’s hard to get hold of

if u have nolva I would use that instead of clomid. some literature shows it is better at hpta recovery. or, if u arent prone to sideeffects, you could use both :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry to revive this, how did you get on?


I came off the TRT about 6 weeks ago. First week on the HCG was great, felt even better (the T was still in my system, and I think I should have been using more HCG in general whilst I was on TRT). Second week was ok, fair bit of oestrogen though, had to take some adex here and there. Nuts came back to full size very quickly.

Then on to the clomid. After 5 days on 25mg, felt completely awful. Doubled the dose to 50mg and felt bearable, but still pretty bad. Moody, depressed. So came off that another 10 days or so later, and on to 12.5mg enclo every day since then.

If how I felt on TRT was a 10, then I guess I’m feeling about a 5 or 6 every day now. Everything a bit low - energy, mood. Sleep is patchy. Not awful, but far from great. Barely had a twitch from the chap downstairs for over a month now however, no morning wood.

I’m planning kids in about 12 months, and I’d rather not feel a bit of a shadow of my former self for all that time. So I’m going back on the TRT, except this time I’ll be running 300IU HCG every 2 or 3 days to maintain fertility, and hope it does the trick. If not, I at least know I can come off again and won’t feel like death, even if it’s not brilliant.

I’ll get bloods done just before going back on the TRT again, just to see what I managed to get my T level back up to with this regimen.

Bloods came back - total T around 750, E2 slightly elevated. LH slightly above range, but that’s to be expected with the enclomiphene.

Actually been feeling a bit better the last week or so, mood has improved a bit, energy levels getting better. Libido still pretty bad, but beginning to show signs of life.

I still don’t feel as good as I did on TRT, there’s definitely a feeling of “dominance” missing that I used to have from it.

However, in light of these bloods, combined with feeling slightly better, I will continue this experiment another month or two and see how things end up, before making the commitment to go back on the shots (and potentially have to go through all this again in the future if I can’t preserve fertility adequately).

Adding 0.25mg adex E3D back into the mix to bring my E2 down, which also ought to boost my T a little more.

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Update? @hoodlum81


Continuing to feel “mainly tolerable”, is as best as I can describe it.

A few days, I feel “great”, with that drive, motivation and energy feeling like I used to have from T shots. But most days are just “ok”, mood is definitely less stable than it used to be, more prone to depressive thoughts. Still missing that “solid” emotional feeling that I had on shots.

Strength in the gym continues to be a bit poor, it dropped off when I came off the shots and hasn’t bounced back properly yet. Libido is very low - not zero, but not much better. Things that would have stimulated me in the past, it’s like the old boy just can’t be bothered any more, a slight twitch.

I think I’m going to do a home fertility test just to make sure the purpose of this exercise worked, and if fertile, go back on shots, using an appropriate dose of HCG to try and preserve fertility. Worst case in the future if I lose fertility, is I know I can just come off again onto enclo and not feel awful.

I dont think thats a wise idea. hCG doesnt always preserve fertility so if you are fertile now and want to go back on i would freeze some sperm.

Could it not be just that you are now feeling ‘human’ again as opposed to being on a test high? Thats currently how i feel. Stable. Not good or bad but normal, with old injuries showing face and joints a little achy. But i have also aged 5 years aswell. @hoodlum81


Correct me if I’m wrong, but in the main study on the use of HCG to preserve fertility, it had 100% success rate? Can be seen in the results here.

Freezing sperm probably isn’t a bad idea anyway though as a backup measure.

If I have to be on meds, I figure I might as well feel as good as I possibly can. Also not too much data on longer term enclo usage at this time?

You’re not wrong but 100% of the participants is only 26 people. Not a massive study by any means.

It didn’t preserve or restart any fertility parameters for me even with high doses so I can’t imagine it works for everyone. I would highly recommend freezing some swimmers brother.


Thanks, it’s good advice.

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Your values looks very good. Did you get sperm test?

Waiting on a home test kit to arrive. Not very accurate, but should give an idea.

Any updates?

I was recommended enclomiphene and HCG 4x weekly (50mg and .25cc respectively) and I am very fucking hesitant to pull the trigger, except it is a literally the roadblock my care provider has insisted upon before he will allow TRT. All symptoms are present but I resonated with what you mentioned about the little guy downstairs. I’m not on anything, never have been, but he already doesn’t react to anything. Seems like clomid and enclomid aren’t going to help that symptom despite strong assurances by care provider.

Home test kit indicated I was fertile, been going through the process at a fertility clinic since, various blood tests etc, due to give sample tomorrow.

Since I went on enclomid:

  • energy down
  • muscle mass down
  • strength down
  • zero libido
  • fat deposition patterns have changed, and I’ve grown soy-boy hips again, like I had in my 20s before I went on TRT shots
  • mindset feels ok

So it’s basically like the enclomid gets rid of the depression from low T, but apart from that, you still suffer all the symptoms of low T. It’s pretty bad to be honest, it’s not a long term solution (for me, at least, YMMV).

I will be getting those T shots back in my body the nanosecond the fertility clinic confirms my sample is good, and is in storage!

Gave sample today, was good quality apparently, enough for 4-5 rounds of IVF easily.

And with that insurance against future infertility in hand, I’m packing in this enclomid experiment immediately!


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