Guys. Trying to study. Trying to learn mire every day. Ive done several dumb cycles in the past but trying to do it right now that im old enough and mature enough. So…im 41. 5’9 225lb currently and im on test, mast, npp, arimidex. I have about 2 weeks left of 12 week cycle. I want to come completely off for a while. Not trt…but ive read a million different ways in other places. Oh yeah…im new to t-nation! Ive never had ed problems. Inwant to come off, keep as much of my gains as possible, and still wear the wife out lol. This cycle has been AWESOME for that. I dont want to drop to trt and stay on as suggested by EVERYONE my age that ive asked. I want to step away from the pin if i can. Dont be too hard on me. Im trying. But without guys like you guys like me can never learn. Thanks in advance!
so you’re just going down to TRT?
Just drop your mast and NPP and you’re set. Keep pinning test as you already were.
*I’d suggest keeping your testosterone dose as high as you can manage without the need of AI - with respect to your goals.
You can’t. You’ll lose what you’ve gained in addition to your well being and libido. That will last for months. Eventually you’ll likely recover to whatever T levels you’d have naturally. A PCT will get you there the fastest.
Well they are correct in that it’s the best method to achieve your goals.
You are 41 and perhaps have perfectly reasonable test levels. You would know this if you got bloodwork done before going on cycle. Did you get blood work?
If you’re adamant about not going on TRT then just do the classic pct protocol and return to your natural levels and then get blood work done to see where you’re at.
Thats the thing. I wanted to cycle off. Off…not trt. Ill still be in the gym 3 days a week and still keep a clean(ish) diet(im no body builder). I like 12 on 12 off. But not sure how much damage that will cause my health, libido, and gains
Like i say. Ive made my mistakes. Not gonna lie needles terrify me lol. No i didnt get the bloodwork . I wont even let my wife pin me i gotta do it myself. And shes a nurse lol. Sounds crazy i know but it is what it is. Freaks me out for someone else to be in control of the needle for some reason. Im not adament about not doing trt. Will i lose my gains if i cycle off and keep working hard? Will i lose my libido? Is it true that cycling is harder on your health than just staying on trt? Yes. You guys were right. Bloodwork should have came first. Then id know where my natural T was. I didnt do it. Now here i am. With questions and nervous about what to do next.
I don’t really get the reasoning behind this tbh.
When I’m done blasting I’m just going to stay on TRT. Nothing unhealthy about TRT and i dont have to bother with HPTA stop/start/stop/start.
Each to his own.
Yes most them. Your body will be in a negative hormonal stasis for awhile in which you will lose a lot. Then once you get to normal male levels your body will adjust back close to what it would have been like without ever taking anabolics. Bodies like to find homeostasis.
For prob 4-8 weeks it wont be great or gone.
Yes, responsible TRT is safe an actually healthier than having low T.
Honestly man…just to get away from the needle for a while. I HATE them. I move sites but still have a ton of scar tissue built up and as you know…it “crunches” all the way in now. Im a long ways from having the knowledge i need. But im doing this a lot better than i did the first couple times going in 100% blind. Im not a real smart guy. But ive ready and asked and studied my butt off trying. I failed because I absolutely ignored “get bloodwork”. BUT I WILL! I think im just afraid of knowing ill be stuck pinning for the nxt 30 years if i go the trt route.I think it helps me mentally to get off and make sure my pecker still works without it. dont mean to dwell on SEX but its pretty important to me. Idgad if im fertile but i want it to work lol. Trt wouldnt scare me at all if i knew i could get off at some point if i wanted off.
I really don’t know. Your injections crunch?
I’ve been pinning daily or EOD for a few years now and I couldn’t tell you if there’s scar tissue or not. No crunching or unusual resistance or anything.
SubQ is cool if you’re just running TRT. I just don’t recommend it for higher volume injections because welts.
you think that repeatedly shutting down and restarting your HPTA is less harmful than keeping it “off”?
You can always just run HCG alongside your TRT so that you could stop TRT whenever you want and your balls are still working.
I’m not trying to sell you on TRT or any other method, it just sounds like your opinions are formed without a well-rounded understanding of your options. Not trying to come off insulting in any way by saying this.
On trt do you still make gains? Or does it just help you maintain what you gained while on cycle until the nxt blast?
Not insulting at all buddy im here to learn! The HCG sounds like it may be right what I’m looking for. You’re correct i don’t know my options. I didn’t know that was an option! Tell me more please. It’s oral i assume? And if you go off trt do you stay on HCG? If you blast do you stay on HCG or go off during the blast? Man i really appreciate all the info seriously. Glad i joined this group just wish i had found it sooner
And yes… imagine sticking a needle into a cheese puff. I can’t hear the crunch but definitely feel it. 26g 1"
Yes, unless you’re unreasonably jacked.
In bro speak…
Your brain makes Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which tells your balls to produce more testosterone.
When you have “enough” testosterone, according to your brain, your brain stops sending LH - or at least it lowers the amount of the hormone that is sent. This results in your balls making significantly less testosterone.
Then because balls not working (under normal function), your brain says “send more LH” and your balls kick back into gear making test.
When on test or anabolics, your brain senses that there is more than enough testosterone, so it doesn’t make any LH. This is because you are injecting your hormones, and your body sees that you have no use for more sex hormones than you already have.
This lack of LH is what shuts down your balls. Your balls being shut down is what causes them to atrophy and shrink… some see little to no shrinkage, some see up to 30%
IDK how much shrinkage I have but it wasn’t unwelcome… I had big balls lol.
When you take PCT ancillaries like HCG, it converts to LH in your body. Meaning this signals your balls to turn back on (or stay on) and keep producing testosterone - even while on anabolics (because the artificial LH is telling your balls what to do).
So basically your balls stay functioning because even though your brain isn’t sending any LH to your balls - the HCG is sending LH to your balls.
Meaning you can stay on anabolics / TRT / others and still have functioning, and potent testicles.
There is a risk of elevated estrogen when taking HCG so you have to balance your usage against your TRT aromatase load. This varies from person to person.
You would not need to take HCG if you cycled off everything, but continuing usage of it for a few weeks while your sex hormones normalize from the blast makes sense.
HCG is injectable, and can be bought either via prescription or online supplier like Amino Asylum or Peptide Sciences.
Most don’t run HCG unless they are specifically choosing to come off steroids / TRT or are trying to get pregnant (what the original use of HCG was intended for).
Make sense?
This is very odd. You rotate injection sites? You sure it’s not just the needle “sticking” to the skin as you inject? Letting a drop come out the point seems to help lubricate a bit. I also jab quick because I’m a pussy about needles.
Consider a 27ga 1/2" needle instead. If you’re only doing TRT, then this is absolutely fine.
If you’re pushing large volumes and/or your compounds are pippy, the longer needles seem to help - from what I’ve read.
Great info on hcg thank you. Ill try the 27gx1/2! Yes I rotated. Oddly enough me being a needle pussy i dont jab. I find it easiest to go slow and steady. No suprise that way lol. But…Maybe thats why i feel the “crunchy” feeling