Coming off Clomid after Testogel: Cold Turkey or Slow Taper?

Hi guys,

I was using testogel for 22 weeks (50mg/day) which brought my total test from 340ng/dl to 650ng/dl - free test also raised adequately. It was working quite fine for me. But my LH and FSH numbers were down, my HPTA got supressed , of course.

So for fertility reasons, I decided to come off testogel and one week later, started a restart protocol.
So far, I did:

2 weeks of HCG - 300 IU / EOD as a kickstart (only 2 weeks because i feared leydig cell desensitization to LH)
14 weeks of Clomid (clomiphen citrate)- 7 weeks: 25mg ED, other 7 weeks 25mg EOD

These were my hormonal levels in the 12th week of clomid: (1st of April 2022)

As you can see, my E2 is quite high with 40pg/ml.

Also my Pregnenolone/Progesterone, but this was even the problem before starting testogel, only with testogel, these two numbers were in the optimal reference range somehow.

I do not want to be on a SERM forever so I want to quit clomid.

My original plan was to quit now just cold turkey, but I read that Clomid should better be slowly tapered down. What do you guys think about that? Looking forward to your advice.

Sounds like you did a taper in a way.

I don’t think there would be any issue in doing a few weeks at half of what you were doing the second 7 weeks. 12.5 mg EOD for a few weeks then get off. Wait 4 weeks and do blood work.

True, I already tapered down in a way.

My plan was to reduce to 12,5 mg E3D but for that I have to use a different Clomid which is not original pharmacy grade because I just finished my pharma grade supply. That stuff stinks like hell and I don’t want to take it, doesn’t seem legit.

Now I’m thinking of using a very low dose AI (Anastrozole, max. 0,25mg per week for 2-4 weeks) for a better coming off of clomid.

I have the following theory:

When I quit Clomid now more ore less cold turkey from stil thel 75mg/week to suddenly 0mg/week, my E2 receptors in the hypothalamus, which were blocked by the Clomid before, can now be agonised by the relatively high E2 still available in system.

This would then lead to a more or less supression of my hypothalamic signaling to pituitary and hence supression of T production.

So I guess that by introducing a low dose AI , I can counter this effect and avoid supression.

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I would ditch the AI idea. Anastrozole is fairly powerful, and it is easy to end up with E2 lower than you want. I have used it in the past, and done blood work. I will tell you a little goes a long way for me (it is pretty individual how much you it lowers E2 it seems).

If you do decide to use it, I think you should do some blood work. If you go with the 0.25 mg/wk, try to pull blood work between doses. If you are getting anywhere near the bottom of the range, I would lower the amount.