[quote]StimacINC wrote:
kayveeay wrote:
StimacINC wrote:
Personally, I use a non-stick pan to cook basically everything. I stick with fish and vegetables mostly. Tilapia filets have 21g protein for 98 calories fyi.
5000 calories sounds like a lot… are you bulking? I mean, you should really take into consideration the ratio of fats/carbs/protein/etc… 5000 calories of mcdonalds is a lot different that 5000 of clean food.
My suggestion is to add a mass gainer type supplement, as cooking 5000 calories worth of food would probably be pretty time consuming as opposed to just making a shake. Additionally, it would be more cost effective in the long run. Just my .02
Yes, sir, I am bulking. Are you sure there is a difference between 5000 calories of McDonald’s and 5000 Calories of clean food? I thought mcDonald’s IS clean???
Well coming with such a generalized question doesn’t necessarily lend itself to me believeing you would know something like that. Put simply, you’re asking people what food you should eat to get bigger. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to insult you. It just seems pretty counterintuitive to go onto these forums with a question that could be answered by looking into any workout magazine or simply through common sense. To simplify: Eat clean foods. Eat a lot of them. Shop on the outside edges of your grocery store. Look for things on sale. I live on less than 150$ a week and don’t have a problem, being a grad student myself.
Is that the answer you were looking for? Because sarcasm breeds sarcasm and I can fuck all day.
Are you retarded? I know what food I should eat to get bigger, I know how to bulk.
I moved outta my parents house and am now on my own for food, so I’m trying to create a thread where people (not just myself) can get ideas for ways to SAVE money on cheap foods that have multiple uses.
I don’t have a BBQ grill anymore to fry up chicken on, so let’s get ideas on cooking chicken in an apartment.
I don’t have unllimited money anymore, so turkey breast with provelone cheese isn’t an option for a quick snack anymore.
The reason I responded with sarcasm is because you came off implying I had no idea what I was doing, with your phrase “5000 clean calories is a lot different than 5000 mcdonalds calories”
Jesus, I might have had McDonalds once in the last 2 years.