Collapse of the Dollar! Let's Start Another War!

Tarpley has been pretty spot on with his analysis. I am hoping he is wrong, but my gut instinct says that he is right. Things are beginning to move in that direction.

[quote]Charlemagne wrote:

Tarpley has been pretty spot on with his analysis. I am hoping he is wrong, but my gut instinct says that he is right. Things are beginning to move in that direction.[/quote]

Once the herd realizes that Obama is an economic moron and that Sarah Palin was right (“We need a president, not a Harvard Law prof!” – or something like that), the stampede will begin towards the exits.

“You mean that trillions of dollars of debt is wrong? No one told me!!”

How shocking!!!

So do you think it will be the US. vs Iran???

[quote]jawara wrote:
So do you think it will be the US. vs Iran???[/quote]

I think it will be worse than that. This thing could touch off World War 3. The United States and Israel have said that come September they are going to start boarding Iranian ships. The Iranians said that they are not going to tolerate that.

Then you move to China and Hillary cozying up to our old nemesis Vietnam. There is a dispute between China and Vietnam over some islands in the China Sea and the US is backing Vietnam saying that they are in US interest. (bullshit)

Add in even more tension between China, North Korea and South Korea over US military exercises in the region. The groundwork is being laid, things are being set in motion and the average American is busy watching Snooki and American Idol, while our glorious commander in chief Obama is talking it up with a bunch of idiots on “the View”.

The incompetents , money junkies and political whores are in charge and they are taking us to war.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]Charlemagne wrote:

Tarpley has been pretty spot on with his analysis. I am hoping he is wrong, but my gut instinct says that he is right. Things are beginning to move in that direction.[/quote]

Once the herd realizes that Obama is an economic moron and that Sarah Palin was right (“We need a president, not a Harvard Law prof!” – or something like that), the stampede will begin towards the exits.

“You mean that trillions of dollars of debt is wrong? No one told me!!”

How shocking!!![/quote]

Dude, whatever people haven’t woken up to the fact that Obama is a farce by now, then they are never going to open their eyes. Obama is a disaster, but don’t think that he isn’t slick enough to pull out the war card. He is a politician and a politicians first duty is to continue to get reelected.

What option do these clowns have left? They will start another war. They will take the “Broken Windows” economic theory (which is bullshit) and in a stupid attempt to revive the economy, go to war.

P.S. I don’t think Palin would be much better than Obama either. She is a clown just like the rest of them. The Presidency has turned into a reality show.

Germany sees fastest growth since reunification

…will the US be able to afford another war, at all? I don’t think Europe is in any hurry to contribute military or financial support, and i haven’t been able to watch the vid [no flash at work] but what is the end goal here? What is there to gain from a total collaps of the US economy?

[quote]ephrem wrote:
Germany sees fastest growth since reunification

…will the US be able to afford another war, at all? I don’t think Europe is in any hurry to contribute military or financial support, and i haven’t been able to watch the vid [no flash at work] but what is the end goal here? What is there to gain from a total collaps of the US economy?[/quote]

Well, everybody knows that if a product is made in Germany, chances are that it is going to work, work well and work for a long time. Quality, German engineering. There is a demand for German goods because they are known throughout the world for their excellent craftsmanship.

You would think that the businessmen in charge of America would wake up to that. Quality over quantity. But no, let’s continue to export what little industry we have left to that shining example of democracy and tolerance, China. Where people work for slave labor wages and export a bunch of useless crap back to America. In the end America is getting screwed.

The other thing is that, the Weimar Republic and hyperinflation is still fresh in the minds of Germans. The have been cutting back and saving. Instead of spending like a drunken sailor like our good for nothing congress, senate and presidency have been doing.

I remember Obama chastising the Germans a few months back because they weren’t spending enough!! Yeah that’s the answer, let’s spend our way out of debt!!!

[quote]Charlemagne wrote:

Tarpley has been pretty spot on with his analysis. I am hoping he is wrong, but my gut instinct says that he is right. Things are beginning to move in that direction.[/quote]

What news channel is that? It’s terrible, all the interviewer does is ask loaded questions and the interviewee is a nutjob. He hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about.

I don’t think the dollar will tank…
Why? against what? Yes I think that there will be huge levels of inflation, but since the EU is seeing so much weakness, currency against currency will be a “which is less weak”.

[quote]ErnestoHemingway wrote:

[quote]Charlemagne wrote:

Tarpley has been pretty spot on with his analysis. I am hoping he is wrong, but my gut instinct says that he is right. Things are beginning to move in that direction.[/quote]

What news channel is that? It’s terrible, all the interviewer does is ask loaded questions and the interviewee is a nutjob. He hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about.[/quote]

Well dumbass the name of the station is RT, it’s right in the lower left hand side of the screen. And RT is one of the few stations that actually reports on real news and things that are happening throughout the world. You know, real news, not Lindsay Lohan going to jail or Snooki getting arrested. America’s main stream media is a circus, you have to go to outside news sources for real info.

And Webster Tarpley is not a nutjob. He has been spot on in his analysis on many things. I remember watching his video dissecting the recent “banking reform act” that came out of Congress a few months back. He called it a joke and that it did nothing to stop the insanity on Wall Street…and that’s exactly what it is.

Where do you get your news from?

We tried attacking Europe by collapsing the Euro and that didn’t work. China is too powerful regionally to attack in any way.

Iran can make Plutonium, beginning on the 21st.

Yep, they’re toast. Stick a fork in 'em.

War’ll be over in 2 or 3 days anyway. Iran is nothing. We’ll show them who the Boss is.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
We tried attacking Europe by collapsing the Euro and that didn’t work. China is too powerful regionally to attack in any way.

Iran can make Plutonium, beginning on the 21st.

Yep, they’re toast. Stick a fork in 'em.

War’ll be over in 2 or 3 days anyway. Iran is nothing. We’ll show them who the Boss is.[/quote]

Get the exit stragety right this time :wink:

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]Charlemagne wrote:

Tarpley has been pretty spot on with his analysis. I am hoping he is wrong, but my gut instinct says that he is right. Things are beginning to move in that direction.[/quote]

Once the herd realizes that Obama is an economic moron and that Sarah Palin was right (“We need a president, not a Harvard Law prof!” – or something like that), the stampede will begin towards the exits.

“You mean that trillions of dollars of debt is wrong? No one told me!!”

How shocking!!![/quote]

Absurdist Palin platitudes aside, many people of both parties were against Obama’s economic policies from the start. If you recall he was elected before the bottom dropped out, and his measures during the recession have been derided by detractors, supporters, and former supporters alike. From the beginning.

[quote]jsbrook wrote:

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]Charlemagne wrote:

Tarpley has been pretty spot on with his analysis. I am hoping he is wrong, but my gut instinct says that he is right. Things are beginning to move in that direction.[/quote]

Once the herd realizes that Obama is an economic moron and that Sarah Palin was right (“We need a president, not a Harvard Law prof!” – or something like that), the stampede will begin towards the exits.

“You mean that trillions of dollars of debt is wrong? No one told me!!”

How shocking!!![/quote]

Absurdist Palin platitudes aside, many people of both parties were against Obama’s economic policies from the start. If you recall he was elected before the bottom dropped out, and his measures during the recession have been derided by detractors, supporters, and former supporters alike. From the beginning.[/quote]

No, the bottom really dropped out in September and October 2008, before the election. Obama fully supported Hank Paulson’s TARP program, which by the way turned out to be nothing more than a “get out of jail free card” to the gangsters on Wall Street. Before Obama was even elected it was very clear the economic and social path he was going to take. He fully supported the bailouts of the “Too big to fails”.

So anybody who says that they didn’t know what Obama was going to do when they voted for him is either ignorant of the facts or knew and just plain didn’t care.