Coin a New Phrase...

ODB, noun.

Dan looked like an ODB at that 80s party he went to.

Brownie points for anyone who figures it out.

[quote]Miserere wrote:
ODB, noun.

Dan looked like an ODB at that 80s party he went to.

Brownie points for anyone who figures it out.[/quote]

He looked like a member of Wu Tang Clan? I doubt this, very much.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
He looked like a member of Wu Tang Clan? I doubt this, very much.[/quote]

Nope! But you get 1/3 brownie point for a creative answer. :slight_smile:

Here’s one that I use.

A girl wth no ass has “A.B.S.” (absent booty syndrome).

i.e. “I thought she looked pretty good until I noticed that she had been stricken with A.B.S.”

When somebody tells me something i don’t like, I like to say “And why don’t you shove a dick up your a## cause that was gay”

[quote]BlaZe wrote:
I dunno. deuchbaggery is hard to spell… and I hate trying to make a point when you cant spell the word…

I like brokeback, but will be using the two interchangable terms. [/quote]

That’s the beauty of duchbagery. None of us know how it’s spelled anyway. So go ahead and spell it how ever you want. I agree that brokeback is the wave of the future.

[quote]Spartan300 wrote:
BlaZe wrote:
I dunno. deuchbaggery is hard to spell… and I hate trying to make a point when you cant spell the word…

I like brokeback, but will be using the two interchangable terms.

That’s the beauty of duchbagery. None of us know how it’s spelled anyway. So go ahead and spell it how ever you want. I agree that brokeback is the wave of the future.[/quote]

Misspelling “douche” is brokeback.

For the Wikipedia-haters:

|/ 3Toes

[quote]michael2507 wrote:

Misspelling “douche” is brokeback.[/quote]

Ya, your right! I can’t spell, so therefore I must fantasize about being alone on the range with the Marlboro Man. Do all Aussies possess your gift for Logic?

P.S. I ran this through a spell check. Everything came back O.K. except Aussies? I probably spelled it wrong so therefore I fantasize about spending a day at the zoo with Michael Jackson and his entourage.

[quote]Spartan300 wrote:
michael2507 wrote:

Misspelling “douche” is brokeback.

Ya, your right! I can’t spell, so therefore I must fantasize about being alone on the range with the Marlboro Man. Do all Aussies possess your gift for Logic?

P.S. I ran this through a spell check. Everything came back O.K. except Aussies? I probably spelled it wrong so therefore I fantasize about spending a day at the zoo with Michael Jackson and his entourage.[/quote]

He is from Austria. Differennt side of the world.

[quote]Spartan300 wrote:
michael2507 wrote:

Misspelling “douche” is brokeback.

Ya, your right! I can’t spell, so therefore I must fantasize about being alone on the range with the Marlboro Man. Do all Aussies possess your gift for Logic?

P.S. I ran this through a spell check. Everything came back O.K. except Aussies? I probably spelled it wrong so therefore I fantasize about spending a day at the zoo with Michael Jackson and his entourage.[/quote]

Unfortunately spell check does not have and geography lesson within.

[quote]Spartan300 wrote:

Do all Aussies possess your gift for Logic?

Not sure, I’ve never met an Aussie in person…


[quote]Rockscar wrote:
Spartan300 wrote:
michael2507 wrote:

Misspelling “douche” is brokeback.

Ya, your right! I can’t spell, so therefore I must fantasize about being alone on the range with the Marlboro Man. Do all Aussies possess your gift for Logic?

P.S. I ran this through a spell check. Everything came back O.K. except Aussies? I probably spelled it wrong so therefore I fantasize about spending a day at the zoo with Michael Jackson and his entourage.

Unfortunately spell check does not have and geography lesson within.[/quote]

LOL. Austria and Australia are two different countries? (light bulb appears above my head) Oh shit that explains why Arnold and Crocodile dundee sound different. I thought it was cause they were from two different villages.

[quote]Rockscar wrote:
DtotheG wrote:

Anyone who continues to post on this thread is a schmiffelgingler.

Yeah, well You’re a feltcher.[/quote]

Id rather be a fletcher than a schmifflegingler



The banter in this thread is cracking me up!

Not to be a girl here, but wanted to say that I have long coined my own phrase…“Dumbbutthead”…I only say this to myself, for example, when driving and someone cuts me off, he or she is a Dumbbutthead.

[quote]DtotheG wrote:
Rockscar wrote:
DtotheG wrote:

Anyone who continues to post on this thread is a schmiffelgingler.

Yeah, well You’re a feltcher.

Id rather be a fletcher than a schmifflegingler




Talking about countries that begin with an “A” is ubergeih.

This is to difficult. There doesn’t seem to be any word or combination of words that fits the bill.

We need a new word, then have to agree that it is a negative word. Unfortunately, some jagoff will probably misunderstand it and take it as a compliment. We need to come to international agreement that a new word is bad.
That whon’t be easy.

[quote]Spartan300 wrote:
LOL. Austria and Australia are two different countries? (light bulb appears above my head) Oh shit that explains why Arnold and Crocodile dundee sound different. I thought it was cause they were from two different villages.[/quote]

Dude, are you American or what?

Note: It is a huge offence to call someone from Canadia, “American”. I only dare use it cos I’m a tough, internet deutschbag.

Note 2: By spelling douchebag the way I just did, I was able to insult 82,431,391 people: myself, plus the whole of Germany. Insulting onself is a small price to pay when you’ve just pissed 82,431,390 other people off.

Population reference:

Note 3: Yep, I just referenced the CIA.

Note 4: I like ending sentences prepositions with.

And for those that are still unsure of what a douchbag is, here is a brief essay I wrote for you. OK, so I nicked it off somebody’s webpage; am I a douchbag now? No, because I’m wearing a white T-shirt. Right, now that’s settled, move on to the next post in an orderly fashion to read what Miserere so lovingly stole for y’all.