Short Version: I did chemo for hep c on 6/23/2000. It believe it damaged my endo system, mainly testes and T production. Per Doctors prescriptions I have been on and off Androgel over the past 10 years. One year ago I was diagnosed with a under active thyroid and low T (102). Since then I have been on Test Cyp injections for the low T and Synthroid for Thyroid function. My Doctor does not specialize in TRT so I requested a referral to a specialist. I have been reading the stickies so I will be prepared when I have my appointment. If I have to I will take matters in my own hand. I will post new Tests when I get them.
Age: 52
Weight: 190lbs
Height: 6ft
Waist: 34in
Body hair: Male pattern hair loss on top of head, Full facial hair, hair on chest, patches
hair on back, hair on arms & legs.
fat: Small amount of abdominal fat.
Health: General good, can go a winter w/out a cold, hep c but no problems from it.
Symptoms: Major brain fog, poor erections, poor libido, low energy, sleep a lot, muscle loss,
gained 40 lbs in 2 years (I weighed 150lbs for 30 years before) no motivation,
fatigue, loss of interest in things I enjoy.
RX: Methadone: 30MG per day, Klonipin: 1MG as needed, Synthroid: .05 MG per day, Viagra: 50 MG
Test Cyp: 1ML every 3 weeks starting a year ago (started SC injections EOD
on 7/21/12)
Diet: 2 servings of yogurt, white meat chicken, 2 servings of vegetables, 1 serving pasta,
Several servings of fresh fruit, Trail mix(raisins, dry roast peanuts, 60% dark
chocolate, walnuts)daily. some fish and very little red meat.
Training: None, walk about a 1/2 mile at fast pace into work every night & physical work.
6/15/2011 Total T=102 (212-755) low
9/13/2011 TSH=5.13 (0.40-4.10) high
(see post 20 for current lab)