MON 8-9-08
Week 5
Deadlift (80%): 3x3 @ 152.5 kg (4x70, 2x110,140)
Speed deadlift (65%): 3x3 @ 122.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (60% of current): 3x5 @ 102.5 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 3x5 112.5kgs
Bent over row: 3x5 85kg
Neutral grip chins: 3x5 with 8kg,12kg,12kg KBs attached
Arched back good morning: 3x5 55kgs Kept it very light and worked on technique and ROM
TUE 9-9-08
~500m jog to local set of stairs
5xsprints bottom to top, ~28secs each, 1 min rest between
Then walk back
WED 10-9-08
Push press/jerk 4x45, 2x65,75,85,90
Felt pretty good, also was resting the bar properly on my shoulders
Flat DB press 8x30, 6x35,40,45,45, 3x45
Felt pretty good, the last set was a bit of a dud not because I was too tired but I stuffed up the fourth rep and was unable to recover
Pullups 8x0, 5x4,8,12,12,12 (numbers are kg added to 90kg BW)
Dips 3x12 90 secs rest
DB Rows 12x30,30,30 90 secs rest
THUR 11-9-08
3.5km hilly road jog. Lower back wasn’t so bad, just quads were really sore
FRI 12-9-08
Was supposed to squat, but I hurt my hip Thurs afternoon. It’s not too bad, should be ok for Monday deadlifting I hope, but no good today
SAT 13-9-08
Rack liftoffs (scap activation) 6x70,100,140,160
Close grip bench (middle finger where the knurling starts) 6x70,90,90,95 3x95 5x95
Felt pretty good. The 3-rep set was cut short due to interruption, not fatigue
Dumbell flys 10x10,12.5,15,15 DBs
Wall slides 4x6
Ab wheel from knees 4x8
MON 15-9-08
Week 6
Deadlift (85%): 1x2 @ 162.5 kg (4x75, 2x110,140,150)
Speed deadlift (70%): 3x3 @ 132.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (65% of current): 3x5 @ 110
Stiff-leg deadlift: 3x5 @ 115
Bent over row: 3x5 @ 90
Neutral grip chinups: 3x5 @ BW+12kgs
Arched back good morning: 3x5 @ 60
TUE 16-9-08
~500m jog to local set of stairs
10x sprints bottom to top, 27-29secs each, 2 min rest between
Then walk back
Next week reduce rest periods…
WED 17-9-08
Maxing out Bench and Chinups
Bench 125kgs
Neutral chinup (chin fully over the bar, shoulders hit the front pullup bar attachment) BW (90kg) + 36kgs
With 40kgs I got my chin to the bar but shoulders came just short of touching
THUR 18-9-08
3.5km hilly road jog. Felt much better than past weeks, I should start timing it rather than going by feel though
FRI 19-9-08 Lower body explosive day
Standing “box” jumps 3x2 onto retaining wall outside gym door. 60secs rest. Pretty easy
Clean and split jerk (1clean:2 alt jerks) @ 20,45 3x55 90secs rest
Just working on technique, felt pretty good
Box Squat 5x75, 3x105,125,135,145
Dragon flags 3x4
SAT 20-9-08
Handstand pushups 3x5
Alternating one arm pushups 5x4
Flat DB press 3x10 30kgs
DB pullovers 2x10 15kgs
Widegrip pullups 3x5
Next week I will make an upper body day on Wed, and do my heavy benching on the Sat, to save a trip to the gym
MON 22-9-08
Week 7
Deadlift (90%): 1x2 @ 170 kg (4x70, 2x110,140,150,160)
Speed deadlift (75%): 3x3 @ 142.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (70% of current): 2x5 @ 120 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 2x5 120kg
Bent over row: 2x5 90kg
Neutral grip chinups: 2x5 BW+16kgs
Arched back good morning: 2x5 @75,85kgs
TUE 23-9-08
~500m jog to local set of stairs
10x sprints bottom to top, 27secs each, 1:45 min rest between
Then walk back
WED 24-9-08
HS pushups 4x5
Chinups (shoulders to beams) 4x6
OA pushups alt. 1x4, 4x6
Front lever single leg extensions 4x4
Neck bridges
FRI 26-9-08 Lower body explosive day
Standing “box” jumps 1x2 retaining wall. 3x2 rock wall. 60secs rest.
Clean and split jerk (1clean:2 alt jerks) @ 20,55 4x65
Box Squat 5x75, 3x105,125,135,145 Harder after all the jumps/clean+jerks
Front squat (clean grip, thumb round bar) 4x4 with 75kgs
SAT 27-9-08
Bench 5x70, 3x90,100,105 2x110 (failed 3rd rep) 3x105,105
The sets at 105 felt pretty good, so I don’t know what happened with the 110.
Pullups grip as wide as possible 4x6
Flat DB press 10x30,35 8x35
Was struggling at the top, i.e. tricep fatigue…
DB Pullovers 3x10 15kgs
Pulled my serratus a bit I think… scrap this exercise in favour of ab wheel anyway
EDIT: few hrs later
A1: Tricep rope pushdown 3x12 @ 14
A2: Hammer curl 3x12 @ 17.5 each DB
Neck bridges + stretch
MON 29-9-08
Week 8
Deadlift (95%): 1x1 @ 180 kg (4x70 2x110,140,160,170)
Missed 2nd rep at 180. Maybe already tired, maybe should have warmed up with singles, maybe was just too heavy
Speed deadlift (70%): 3x3 @ 132.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (75% of current): 2x5 @ 127.5 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 2x5 @ 120kg
Bent over row: 2x5 @ 90kg
Neutral grip chins: 2x5 @ BW+16kg
Arched back good morning: 2x5 @ 75kg
Felt pretty tired overall - longish day and didn’t get to eat enough
TUE 30-9-08
~500m jog to local set of stairs
10x sprints bottom to top, 27secs each, 1:45 min rest between
Then walk back
WED 1-10-08
HS pushups 5,5,6,6
Chinups (shoulders to beams) 4x8
OA pushups alt. 5x6
Front lever single leg extensions 4x4
Fingertip pushups 2x10
FRI 3-10-08 Lower body explosive day
Standing “box” jumps 1x2 retaining wall. 3x2 rock wall. 60secs rest.
Clean and split jerk (1clean:2 alt jerks) @ 20,55,65 3x75
Technique felt quite a bit better
Box Squat 5x75, 3x105,125,135 2x145
Failed on 3rd rep @ 145. Just felt heavy, got a few inches up and stalled. Maybe too much clean+jerking
Front squat (clean grip, thumb round bar) 4x75,80,85,85
SAT 4-10-08
Bench 5x70, 3x90,100,105,110 2x110
Happy I got the triple at 110.
Pullups grip as wide as possible 5x6
Flat DB press 10x35,35 8x35 Fine off the chest, just stops 2/3 up…
Ab rollouts 4x10 off bosu ball to get a bit more height. Back to standing rollouts next week
A1: Tricep rope pushdown 3x12 @ 16
A2: Hammer curl 3x12 @ 17.5 each DB Had to swing a lot for the last few
MON 6-10-08
Week 9
Deadlift (97.5%): 1x1 @ 185 Did not attempt
Did 4x70, 2x110, 140, 1x160, 170, then failed 1x180.
Speed deadlift (70%): 2x3 @ 132.5 kg (rest as needed b/w sets)
Power shrugs (75% of current): 2x5 @ 127.5 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 3x3 @ 127.5kg
Just wasn’t feeling it today… felt weak, felt like I really need a break from this program. I did 180 last week, and missed it this week, so obviously I’ve had a bad day or just need rest or both. Last week when I did 180 my back bent a lot, which is no good, and today when it started rounding a lot at 180 I just stopped…
I might call it the end of this program. Not a waste by any means, I’ve identified some problems, and my grip no longer gives out first on the heavy singles. I need to strengthen my lower back so it doesn’t round out first, and my hamstrings were feeling it too.
I also was probably doing too much extra stuff (a heavy squatting day on the Friday, plus a run or two during the week) which I think contributed to tiring me out. I will take the rest of this week lightly so I can start anew next week and focus on some of those things.