Clomid Restart

Has anyone had good results with this? I was referred to a doctor who I really like by my Uro. This doc along with a few others run a male clinic within one of our local hospitals and all they do is treat fertility and male hormones.

After meeting with him and discussing treatment and causes of hypogonadism we are going to try a restart with Clomid first. I have an MRI next week and after he sees those results along with some more bloodwork he had me do, we will start treatment. One question I forgot to ask him was about an anti e with Clomid treatment. Is this necessary?

Just from our conversation he does use them along with HCG on a case by case basis as everyone is different. We want to try the clomid as my LH was low and if we can kick the pituitary into gear that would be great. My E2 was already pretty low at 10 so I’m wondering if just the Clomid and no anti e would put me right in the 20-30 range?

Yes it can work. But as I always point out, you should use Nolvadex because some are adversely affected by Clomid which has strong estrogenic effects for those affected.

Yes, all SERM’s, if effective, will increase E2. If you stop SERM suddenly, you get HPTA shutdown. So must taper off. Suggests AI during and land on 0.5mg anastrozole per week in EOD divided doses or 12.5 mg aromasin in EOD divided doses.

When on SERM, test LH, FSH, T and FT.

  • if LH/FSH still low, top end of HPTA is broken, start TRT
  • if LH/FSH good and T low, testes not working, start TRT

LH/FSH should increase quite fast. However, the testes take time as physical changes need to occur, so do not rush T testing. If DHEA-S is low, DHEA–>T may be limited.

If SERM dose is too high, LH will be high. There are two risks. One is desensitization of the LH receptors. Second, T–>E2 inside the testes can be very high and competitive AI’s cannot control that. Suggest 1/2 dose SERM dosing.

So that is a quick review of the issues. Your labs, diet, thyroid status are all important and in another thread.

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Thanks. I was curious about the ai only because I could use a slight increase in estrogen. The plan is to see what the MRI says and hopefully take this path. If I remember my convo with the doctor correctly we will do blood again after three weeks or maybe it was two. I figure this is worth a shot before committing to a life of trt. One thing I really like about this doctor is he goes by how you feel along with the labs.

I just started Clomid yesterday, 12.5mg ED. My TT was 276 and E2 was 32. Doc told me to wait 4 weeks then re-check levels to see if Arimidex is needed.

[quote]KSman wrote:
When on SERM, test LH, FSH, T and FT.

  • if LH/FSH still low, top end of HPTA is broken, start TRT
  • if LH/FSH good and T low, testes not working, start TRT

If SERM dose is too high, LH will be high. There are two risks. One is desensitization of the LH receptors. Second, T–>E2 inside the testes can be very high and competitive AI’s cannot control that. Suggest 1/2 dose SERM dosing.

What if LH/FSH increase quickly, T increasing concordantly, then everything crashes after 2-3 weeks? That was my experience on 50mg/day Clomid. Is this a dosage high enough to elicit the LH desensitization you mentioned?

What dosage DO you recommend for Clomid restart?

What it be possible to try a restart on, say, 25mg Clomid/day + 30mg T cyp/wk to ease the transition/ reach normal levels without desensitizing the LH receptors?

[quote]KSman wrote:
When on SERM, test LH, FSH, T and FT.

  • if LH/FSH still low, top end of HPTA is broken, start TRT
  • if LH/FSH good and T low, testes not working, start TRT

If SERM dose is too high, LH will be high. There are two risks. One is desensitization of the LH receptors. Second, T–>E2 inside the testes can be very high and competitive AI’s cannot control that. Suggest 1/2 dose SERM dosing.

What if LH/FSH increase quickly, T increasing concordantly, then everything crashes after 2-3 weeks? That was my experience on 50mg/day Clomid. Is this a dosage high enough to elicit the LH desensitization you mentioned?

What dosage DO you recommend for Clomid restart?

What it be possible to try a restart on, say, 25mg Clomid/day + 30mg T cyp/wk to ease the transition/ reach normal levels without desensitizing the LH receptors?