Clomid Only Treatment

Hey guys,

I am new on this forum , 32 male, and would like to hear your opinion on my case. So… I`ve been experimenting with pharmaceuticals in the past, and always had between 15 and 20 % BF and was slightly overweight - around 210 lbs/95 kg on 186 cm height, until last year when I made myself blood tests, and testosterone levels were under the normal value for my age group - at 16.6 nmol/l with average levels for my age group above 20 (479 ng/dl), whereby Estrogen levels were a bit higher than whats normal - 119 pmol/l (32.41 pg/ml)
I started taking Arimidex at low dosage - 0,5 mg EOD, and 2 months thereafter, the Estrogen dropped to 17.2 pmol/l, but the Testosteron stayed low at 16.2. SHBG was slightly increased from 37.7 nmol/l to 49.4 nmol/l.
I dropped the Arimidex and made tests again after 2 months - estrogene rebounced to 77.65 pmol/l (normal value) while testosterone went also up to 20.41 nmol/l, which is also a good average value for my age group.
After 4 months, I did again tests - test was almost the same, a bit lower - with 19.24 nmol/l, estrogene 26.7 pmol/l.
The LH levels were however borderline low (2.06 mIU/ml), so because of the LH and due to reasons for family planning and improving sperm quality, I started taking low dosage 0.25 mg EOD of clomid.
In the beginning I was feeling it almost like steroids - night sweats, acne, light agression, unable to sleep at night. After a bit of time passed, I started feeling great on it, lots of power in the gym and enhanced fat burn.
The latest test, from end of April 2018, revealed Estrogen at 150 pmol/l , Test at 30.26 nmol/l, LH at 3.10 mIU/ml.
Now I am keeping that low dosage of Clomid for already 6 months, my lady got pregnant in the mean time for which I am very happy, I am feeling great, dropped my BF in the mean time to around 10-11 %, but I am starting to wonder whether it is not advisable some time soon to stop the Clomid.

I will make again an exit blood test so to say, and will monitor my levels also afterwards, but I would like to hear your opinion on the subject, whether it is indeed recommended to take a break from the clomid therapy. I did a lot of research on the topic and for men with low sperm count/motility/morphology, therapy was done for at least 3 months with dosages way higher than mine - something like 50-100 mg ED, while mine is 0.25 EOD.

Do you think I need to do some kind of quasi-PCT therapy or that should not be needed?

Your opinions and comments on the topic are highly appreciated.

My Goal, also in the long term, is to keep natural levels of Testosterone at medium level or higher for my age group.
I found this table, backed up by academic source, so I assume its more or less accurate.

Can I make something like clomid only “cycles”? It has indirect mechanism of action, stimulates the LH, which son its turn stimulates test production, as pointed out above, it increased my test levels with 50 % (from 20 to 30 units).

Is there something to worry for like long-term side effects? Suppression of body`s own production of LH? Are you aware of anythingg I need to take into consideration?

If you are doing clomid as trt then you shouldn’t cycle. If you are checking to see if you can maintain levels after maybe clomid jump started your pituitary, then you can stop to see if you maintain levels.

There are not many reports out there of using clomid as trt long term. It should def keep you very fertile. Some say there numbers look good but they don’t feel good on clomid.

If you get e2 symptoms you can lower dose. Some take 25mg EOD. Or even 12.5 EOD.
Some use novaldex instead of clomid since it has less sides.

I’m more concerned what antagonizing the pituitary gland will have long term consequences. We already know there have been men on TRT for several decades and still going strong.

Go with the devil you know.