Clomid, HCG, Anastrozole and DHEA for Increasing T-Levels?

I have relatively ok T-levels (550-700) in recent blood work, but if I find a away to boost T-levels with relatively low risk, I would do it.

I am currently taking Anastrozole to lower E2 levels and DHEA 50mg/day to increase free T (Anastrozole to prevent it from turning to E2).

I have read that Clomid and/or HCG could be used to increase T levels significantly (see for example):

So I am thinking of adding Clomid (25mg/day or 50mg EOD) and/or HCG (250UI E3D) to my medication.

My last blood test results:
Total T 553, range 348 - 1197
Free T 10.7, range 6.8 - 21.5
LH 7.6 range 1.7-8.6
FSH 14.5, range 1.5 - 12.4
DHEA-s 120, range 102.6 - 416.3 (before starting to take DHEA supplements)
Estradiol 28.8, range 7.6 - 42.6 (down from 36.1, and have increased anast dosage after that)

So the plan would be to boost tests to produce more T instead of taking T and suppress test T production.

I would not expect to double my T levels by doing that but if I get 250 increase to T levels they would be really high (800 - 950).

As far as I can see I could drop Clomid and/or HCG without worrying (too much) for PCT?

What about using:
Ostarine (MK-2866) 25mgs/ED
Cardarine (GW-501516) 20mgs/ED

Any comments?

Or any other suggestions?

All that I can say is Arimidex does not seem to work for intertesticular aromatization.

If I take Adex while on clomid it just messes me up. I see all sorts of sides from low e2 while still having a high serum e2 level. The same thing seems to happen with HCG. I took half a pill over three days and just that was enough to crash my e2. Hopefully it won’t take me as long to recover this time.

That shit has caused me more harm than good while on serms.

[quote]BababooeyHTJ wrote:
All that I can say is Arimidex does not seem to work for intertesticular aromatization.

If I take Adex while on clomid it just messes me up. I see all sorts of sides from low e2 while still having a high serum e2 level. The same thing seems to happen with HCG. I took half a pill over three days and just that was enough to crash my e2. Hopefully it won’t take me as long to recover this time.

That shit has caused me more harm than good while on serms. [/quote]

Half a pill you, your pills were 1mg or 0.5mg? I take currently 0.05mg Anastrozole every day (before the last blood test I was taking about 0.025mg ED and increased the dosage), ie. my current dosage is same as 0.15mg E3D (you were taking 0.5 or 0.25mg E3D?).

1mg pills, I took .25mg on Thursday evening and then Monday morning. The sides were awful on Monday as the day dragged on, feeling better today. Thinking back, my back was bothering me a bit during the weekend which isn’t normal. I’m thinking that was probably due to the adex.

Last time I wasn’t sure if it was the Clomid or adex. Now I’m sure.

I would start with the DHEA and see where that gets you. You are really low. I used micronized with good results. You probably need 50mg. I wouldn’t do anything else until you get that to the top of the range, while controlling E2.

SERMs and HCG can work if you need them, but they come with sides and I would try other things first.

SERM - Lowered my IGF-1 from 248 to 195. I don’t know how touchy IGF-1 is but switching from HCG to Clomid was the only significant change. I actually started peptides after the first test, so it should have risen a bit if anything.

HCG - I get body acne. Some have trouble controlling E2, but that’s probably dose related.