Clomid Drop from 25mg ED to 12.5mg ED Yet No Libido?

@testosterone_hunter Yes, my LH and FSH were very low at some point. Clomid increased them. Even after I stoped it 2 months later they increased even more, but testosterone did not increase more. Initially I thought only LH and FSH caused my low t, but it seems now that even if I increase them the body continues to maintain some homeostasis.

Of course I say again I took clomid very briefly because FELT FUCKING TERRIBLE after every pill - cannot get my dick hard, no libido, moody, depression… I experienced some of these symptoms before clomid due to the low t I guess but clomid made them very strong

With the dropping clomid dosage, you report that you had better strength, mood, and energy. Does that include an improving libido/erections or has that stayed the same?

Slightly better libido and erections. For example, my libido isn’t flaring high for sure but as i was walking in the malls, i was checking chicks out, and i get little deep libido from the heart kicking in. This was not present at all when my dosage was 25mg ED for 3 weeks. I only started feeling this when i dropped to 12.5mg EOD.

On another note, i dance salsa and bachata… so close contact with any attractice women would usually result in some form of excitement especially when anyone dances bachata especially with their hip and ass movement. I didn’t get any nudge of excitement when i was on 25mg ED for 3 weeks, but when i started to drop the dosage, i could feel a little sense of excitement, but not high enough to make me do a move and approach her… I hope im making sense.

My erection quality on the other hand has significantly improve from grade 3 - grade 4 for example. When i watch porn, i could sense the difference in terms of erection quality, ejaculation load and quality and etc. It’s still too early to say but i wanna see if these symptoms are consistent through-out

“”" It is used off label to treat hypogonadal men (HM) and exists as a 60/40 % racemic mixture of the stereoisomers enclomiphene (EN) and zuclomiphene (ZU), respectively. EN is a potent estrogen receptor antagonist reaching peak plasma concentration (Tmax) in 4 hours (hrs), with a half - life (T1/2) of 8 hrs.“”"

Based on the above ((which clearly many already know)) — the two isomers of clomid have extremely different half lives. With the enclomiphene ((the good isomer for men)) having a short half life and the zuclomiphene ((the bad one for men)) having an extremely long half life. So, as others have stated, many men feel good when they first take clomid and zuclomiphene is not too built up in their system, but once the zuclomiphene builds, libido and other factors grow worse.

By this reasoning, when one is dropping clomid dosage, the “good properties” of clomid get reduced in the blood very quickly and the “bad properties” take an extremely long time. So, any hypothetical positive aspects of a reduction in clomid dosage…probably take over a month to begin to come into affect???

Is this correct reasoning? Is clomid’s combine half life of 6-7 days basically irrelevant when you break it down to the two isomers?

So by this logic ((which could be false/welcome feedback)) — if one reduces clomid dosing and “feels better” as described above, is it all in your imagination unless a month or two has passed at the new lower dosage?

I ask because for about a week, I have reduced my clomid use down from 50mg 4x week to 25mg 4x week. In the last day or two I have felt “weaker” and more sore after workouts than expected. I’m trying to understand if my t levels could already be dropping or that’s crazy talk.

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Im equally in the same boat of thoughts as you.!!! my only baffle is as im dropping im feeling better taking 12.5mg ED than take clomid at 25mg ED or now 12.5mg EOD. Im aware of the two isomers and their half lifes. It definitely can’t be in my head as my total testosterone readings is in the range (good range) but do i feel like a 26.4nmol/l (range:8.0 - 31) Absolutely NOT. I know i how i felt my hormones were in range last year. Even at 20.4nmol and estrogen level at 0.12, im horny AF. So clearly i don’t feel like a 26.4.

But my feeling is getting better whenever i drop the dosage. Even now im contemplating if i should continue or cease the clomid and tackle the elevated estrogen from the clomid. Im meeting my doctor in couple of hours time. The good thing about him is that he’s pro free testosterone and the balance is what he seeks for. It’s pointless if the readings show high and symptoms are not the best. so im hoping he would shine some light and inform what i should do from here onwards. Im hoping to cease the clomid as i don’t want the estrogen to keep elevating higher and the zuclomiphine to accumulate in the body.

Im sorry to hear that… I definitely better with my workouts honestly. No Sore after gym, before my readings were out, i was deadlifting 90kg X 6 reps. The heaviest i’ve done in 1 1/2 years. Usually i don’t push that much since i don’t have the strength to do so. Im 85kg with 31% Bodyfat. Im heavy and im trying to lose the bodyfat… With that weight i could hold myself up for a couple of seconds when i do chin ups. I definitely couldn’t have done this 6 weeks ago before starting clomid. I believe my total test elevation is contributing to the strength. Libido and Sexual drive is not at it’s best due to elevated estrogen.

I even got my morning wood (not the hardest) but definitely there yesterday and today. So yeah…

That sounds to me as primary hypogonadism isnt’ it? High LH but Low T…

My current FSH and LH isn’t high IMHO but it still managed to raise the total test to 26.

  1. FSH: 2.2IU/L (range:1.4 - 18.1)
  2. LH: 2.9IU/L (range: 1.5 - 9.3)

I definitely had a better FSH and LH last year. Anyway, on a separate note… my HPTA suppresion maybe a different cause from you guys. Mine is caused by ingestion of Cucurmin and im in touch with some guys from reddit and this is the link from reddit. Click the link to read further:

My issue could be a lazy pituitary and supprsed by cucurmin. Maybe i was on the road to recovery but it’s taking forever…

@testosterone_hunter I think mine is secondary, because FSH is still low, only LH has increased a bit by clomid.
The strange is until some pointe the increase in LH was raising the testostosterone, but after that point the further increase if LH did not increase the testosterone anymore

But maybe this is just because the clomid stimulation was very little in my case and I stopped it

If it matters, I’ve been under the understanding that Clomid is much more likely to increase LH than FSH.

Yes indeed that is true.

Yes clomid is far greater to increase LH than FSH. I just returned from the Doctor today. It’s very important to get a doctor who not only interprets readings that should be in range, but also come with alternative plan if plan A goes sour. Exhaust all possible natural endogenous remedies.

Anyway. since my estrogen is high. Doctor prescribed me i3c to reduce the estrogen effect. He did not prescribe anastrozole or armidex as he doesn’t want to stress my liver out. Reason being, with the Clomid, there are some elevated markers in my liver reading. That’s part of his concern. Since im tapering down the dosage to 12.5mg EOD (week 7 & 8) and 12.5mg E3D (week 9 - 12), i only hope that the liver markers reduce. Attach is my LFT. I’ll repeat test on 15/10 after clomid monotherapy and repeat another test 1 month after to see if my LH, FSH, Testosterone and liver markers are in a good range and Estrogen gets down without any clomid. Another thing the doc mentioned was not to stop clomid cold turkey but to taper down.

Anyway, I hope the kickstart works…

Strength is certainly increasing on my week 7 of Clomid at 12.5mg EOD. Mood is much better.

Not much news in the libido and sexual desire section.

Ive managed to deadlift 100kg x 6 reps on my 6th set.

The heaviest ive lifted the last 1 1/2 years ever since my testosterone plumeted. Feel like my oldself in terms of energy output