Looking for some help. Here is my story, the short version.
Went to the doctor back in March of 2014 when i started having ED issues with the wife and lack of energy, brain fog. Physical came back normal but asked my old man doctor to check my T levels(will post labs further down). Of course that was the only thing he checked. I had him order panels below to hopefully cover everything.
age - 40
-height - 6’1
-waist - 40"
-weight - 240
-lab results with ranges -
Cholesterol: 250, range (110-200mg/dl) flagged as high
TRIG: 133, range (40 -149mg/dl)
HDL: 52, range (40-59mg/dl)
LDL: 171, range (50-99mg/dl) flagged as high
VLDL: 27, range (8-30mg/dl)
Glucose: 103, range (65-99mg/dl) flagged as high
BUN: 27, range (6-22mg/dl) flagged as high
MPV: 11.2, range (6.0-10.8) flagged as high
Vitamin D, 25 OH: 36.0, range (32.0-100ng/ml)
-My Testosterone was checked twice, once in PM and AM (had doctor
recheck b/c initially blood was done in the afternoon)
PM Overall Testosterone: 260, range(348-1197ng/dl) flagged as Low
PM testosterone free: 6.40, range(5.00-21.00ng/dl)
PM % free Testosterone: 2.46, range (1.50-4.20%)
AM Overall Testosterone: 326, range(348-1197ng/dl) flagged as Low
AM testosterone free: 6.59, range(5.00-21.00ng/dl)
AM % free Testosterone: 2.02, range (1.50-4.20%)
Estradiol: 11, range (8-43ng/l)
TSH: 2.15, range (0.27-4.20 MCU/ML)
T4: 5.7, range (4.5-10.9mcg/dl)
T3 Free, 2.3, range (2.3-4.2pg/ml)
SHBG: 27.3, range (16.5-55.9nmol/L)
Cortisol: 18.4, range (6.2-19.4mcg/dl)
FSH: 2.8, range (1.5-12.4 MIU/ML)
LH: 3.5, range (1.7-8.6 MIU/ML)
Prolactin: 10.4, range (4.0-15.2 NG/ML)
PSA: .48, range (< 1.400NG/ML)
So i went to a urologist who put me on 25mg of Clomid daily with 1 tablet of AI (anastrozole) weekly. I definitely started feeling a lot better and ED issues improved immensely. After about 3 months on the above protocol my labs were rechecked with the following positive results
FSH - 3.7 (0.9-15.0 mIU/mL)
LH - 3.1 (1.5- 9.3 mIU/mL)
E2 - 15 (11 - 44 pg/mL)
Testosterone - 668 (250 - 1000 ng/dl)
Sex Hormone Binding - 34 (11 - 78nmol/L)
Free Androgen Index - 68.1 (19.2 - 123.2)
Testosterone Free - 145.0 (47.0 - 244.0 pg/ml)
So after the results above the doc had me stay on the same protocol, no changes
25mg daily dosage of clomid and 1 tablet per week of anastrozole
Fast forward 3 months after that visit and the ED issues have started to reappear which deeply concerns me. I still feel good but def have been having trouble getting an erection for the wife. This is of course a big blow to my man hood. Also, im scheduled to see my doctor again in the next few weeks so any help would be appreciated.