I am going to try a Clomid restart to see what effect its has, I have been on TRT in he form of Nebido injections (4g/12weeks)
I am just wondering how long I need to wait after my last injection of Nebido before I can start Clomid and for it to be able to work without my HPTA still being suppressed by remaining Nebido in my system.
It has been 10 weeks since my last shot of Nebido and if it helps, the last time I was tested 10 weeks post Injection my levels had dropped to 7 n/mol (8-35)
That’s a tough one. Was the last test 10 weeks after your first shot? If so, you might not be down that low this time around.
I’m no expert, but I would guess HCG would be good to use while you’re waiting out the nebido. It would keep your balls conditioned and ready for the restart. The other option would be to get tested and see where you’re at.
I would suggest an aggressive restart. I did your typical low dose restart twice with subpar to shitty results. Not to say one would work for me, but I don’t think I waited long enough. Being a bit more aggressive might get you going in a shorter period of time. My next restart will include 500IU HCG ED for a few weeks before 50mg Clomid ED for a month. I’m E dominant, so I’ll take aromasin all along. Even if it doesn’t work, my E2 will be high compared to T. I’ll test after a month on clomid. If it works, I’ll taper my dose a bit and retest, the intent being to get down to the lowest dose needed to keep free T in 20s.
The god news is that the result of 7 n/mol was 11 weeks after my 2nd shot which was the six week booster. Then I had my 3rd shot and its now 10 weeks after that 3rd shot so my subjective feelings are that I am back at the same kind of level because I feel a lot of the symptoms coming back on.
Will the Clomid still be able to do something even if there is a little bit of Nebido in my system.
You say to try an aggressive restart, I am not keen on using HCG at the minute if I can help it, I just want to try clomid as a stand alone. My plan way to run a longish restart of about 3 months starting at 25mg ED for month 1, the 25 mg EOD month 2 and finally 25mg 3/week for the last month.
Do you think I should load it up more in that first month by using 50mg ED or maybe even do a week at 100mg ED then drop to 50mg for the next 4 weeks and keep tapering from there?? What would you suggest??
I am also E dominant so I will be using Adex throughout at a conservative dose of 0.5 or 0.25 E3D, more of needed.
The god news is that the result of 7 n/mol was 11 weeks after my 2nd shot which was the six week booster. Then I had my 3rd shot and its now 10 weeks after that 3rd shot so my subjective feelings are that I am back at the same kind of level because I feel a lot of the symptoms coming back on.
Will the Clomid still be able to do something even if there is a little bit of Nebido in my system.
You say to try an aggressive restart, I am not keen on using HCG at the minute if I can help it, I just want to try clomid as a stand alone. My plan way to run a longish restart of about 3 months starting at 25mg ED for month 1, the 25 mg EOD month 2 and finally 25mg 3/week for the last month.
Do you think I should load it up more in that first month by using 50mg ED or maybe even do a week at 100mg ED then drop to 50mg for the next 4 weeks and keep tapering from there?? What would you suggest??
I am also E dominant so I will be using Adex throughout at a conservative dose of 0.5 or 0.25 E3D, more of needed.
If you’re ok with a long restart, you can do low dose. I’m not that patient. I felt like shit for a long time before TRT and want to minimize my downtime.
A front end load of clomid will get blood levels up to where you need them faster. I don’t see any downside to a few days at 100mg. You don’t need a week if you’re just trying to get blood levels up to where they would ultimately be at 25mg per day.
I’m no expert, but I also don’t see anything but upside to doing a few weeks of HCG. I believe the thought is that it will stimulate the testes more than relying on normal levels of LH could, especially if you plan to run a lower dose of clomid. In theory it should get them up and running faster after being shut down.
No im not primary, my secondary was brought on through anorexia and malnutrition between the ages of 13 and 18.
I do see the benifits of HCG but as I am not experienced with injecting myself I dont really want to do it if I dont need to. I am fine with Clomid taking a few weeks to work its magic in the absence of HCG because I cant really feel much worse than I do now.
So how does this look for a clomid dose protocol
4 days @ 100mg
4 weeks @ 25mg ED
4 weeks @ 25mg EOD
4 weeks @ 25mg 3xweek
0.5mg of Adex every 3 days
I think I may as well stat with this and see how I get on, for all i know my body may not even respond to clomid for what ever reason knowing my luck!!!
Injecting HCG is about as easy as it gets. It should get your balls up and running a lot quicker than a SERM and have you feeling better. It will also verify the boys are ready and capable. If you can’t get T up with HCG, no point in doing a SERM restart.
If you still don’t want to do HCG, I wouldn’t even plan past the first 4 weeks. Get tested after a month at 25mg ED. If T hasn’t increased to a reasonable level, there’s no point in dropping the dose. Make sure you test for LH, FSH, T and E2.
I’ve read more than once that you’re better off using Aromasin when using clomid. No idea how to dose it, but I’m not sure I’d even bother until I had a test showing high E2. Unless you know what high E2 symptoms feel like and can dose accordingly.
You will have to run the restart for a long time, since there will be some Nebido in your system for a long time. It makes no sense to do high dose Clomid. A dose of 25 mg every other day should be sufficient. Stopping before having cleared all the Nebido is not a good idea - you will have to continue until all the Nebido is out of your system, which is anything from 9 months to a year after your last shot, given the long half life.
On the other hand, you could also just forget the Clomid and do the Test taper protocol in the steroids forum, if you believe in that protocol. But in this case, you don’t have to inject anything during the taper, since the long half life of the Nebido gives you an automatic taper. In other words, forget about injecting smaller and smaller amounts as in that protocol, which is for T-cyp, and just inject nothing from now on.
Like I say I’m not fussed about doing a long restart with clomid but what I would like clarification on is if I do begin using clomid whilst there is a little bit of Nebido left in my system, will the clomid raise my T level to somewhere near my natural threshold??
I understand I won’t be able to taper of it if Nebido is still hanging around but if I can get some descent t levels out of the clomid whilst I’m waiting for the Nebido to flush out for the next 7 months or so that would be nice!!!